BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Security Schema Reference
complexType kernelType


name?, notes?, valid-protocols?, reverse-dns-allowed?, default-protocol?, default-secure-protocol?, administration-protocol?, thread-pool-size?, system-thread-pool-size?, self-tuning-thread-pool-size-min?, self-tuning-thread-pool-size-max?, jms-thread-pool-size?, native-io-enabled?, dev-poll-disabled?, muxer-class?, socket-readers?, thread-pool-percent-socket-readers?, socket-reader-timeout-min-millis?, socket-reader-timeout-max-millis?, outbound-enabled?, outbound-private-key-enabled?, max-message-size?, max-t3-message-size?, socket-buffer-size-as-chunk-size?, max-http-message-size?, max-com-message-size?, max-iiop-message-size?, default-giop-minor-version?, use-iiop-locate-request?, iiop-tx-mechanism?, iiop-location-forward-policy?, complete-message-timeout?, complete-t3-message-timeout?, complete-http-message-timeout?, complete-com-message-timeout?, idle-connection-timeout?, idle-iiop-connection-timeout?, complete-iiop-message-timeout?, period-length?, idle-periods-until-timeout?, rjvm-idle-timeout?, response-timeout?, dgc-idle-periods-until-timeout?, ssl?, iiop?, log?, log-remote-exceptions-enabled?, instrument-stack-trace-enabled?, execute-queue*, max-open-sock-count?, stuck-thread-max-time?, stuck-thread-timer-interval?, tracing-enabled?, messaging-bridge-thread-pool-size?, mtu-size?, load-stub-using-context-class-loader?, refresh-client-runtime-descriptor?, timed-out-ref-isolation-time?, use81-style-execute-queues?, t3-client-abbrev-table-size?, t3-server-abbrev-table-size?
Prohibited substitutions (block)
none (extensions and restrictions are allowed)
Derived types: serverType
Components using this type: none
Corresponds to ServerMBean
Corresponds to KernelMBean

Nested Element Summary
annonymous type derived from stringname optional
          <p>The user-specified name of this MBean instance. 
stringnotes optional
          <p>Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration. 
stringvalid-protocols optional
booleanreverse-dns-allowed optional
          <p>Specifies whether the kernel is allowed to perform reverse DNS lookups. 
annonymous type derived from stringdefault-protocol optional
          <p>The protocol to use for connections when none is specified. 
annonymous type derived from stringdefault-secure-protocol optional
          <p>The protocol to use for secure connections when none is specified. 
annonymous type derived from stringadministration-protocol optional
          <p>Returns the protocol to be used for administrative connections when none is specified. 
annonymous type derived from intthread-pool-size optional
          <p>The size of the execute thread pool. 
annonymous type derived from intsystem-thread-pool-size optional
          <p>The size of the system execute thread pool. 
annonymous type derived from intself-tuning-thread-pool-size-min optional
          <p>Get the minimum thread pool size of the self-tuning thread pool. 
annonymous type derived from intself-tuning-thread-pool-size-max optional
          <p>Sets the maximum thread pool size of the self-tuning thread pool. 
annonymous type derived from intjms-thread-pool-size optional
          <p>The size of the JMS execute thread pool. 
booleannative-io-enabled optional
          <p>Specifies whether native I/O is enabled for the server. 
booleandev-poll-disabled optional
          <p>Specifies whether the /dev/poll device should be used for Muxing. 
stringmuxer-class optional
          <p>The muxer class name. 
annonymous type derived from intsocket-readers optional
          <p>The number of socket reader threads</p> (Interface=weblogic. 
annonymous type derived from intthread-pool-percent-socket-readers optional
          <p>The percentage of execute threads from the default queue that can be used as socket readers. 
annonymous type derived from intsocket-reader-timeout-min-millis optional
          <p>The minimum number of milliseconds a muxer thread should attempt to read from a given socket. 
annonymous type derived from intsocket-reader-timeout-max-millis optional
          <p>The maximum number of milliseconds a muxer thread should attempt to read from a given socket. 
booleanoutbound-enabled optional
          <p>Specifies whether new server-to-server connections may consider the default server channel when initiating a connection. 
booleanoutbound-private-key-enabled optional
          <p>Specifies whether the SSL identity specified by {@link SSLMBean#ServerPrivateKeyAlias SSLMBean#ServerPrivateKeyAlias} for this server should be used for outbound SSL connections on the default server channel. 
annonymous type derived from intmax-message-size optional
          <p>The maximum number of bytes allowed in messages that are received over all supported protocols, unless overridden by a protocol-specific setting or a custom channel setting. 
intmax-t3-message-size optional
          <p>The maximum number of bytes allowed in messages that are received over the T3 protocol. 
booleansocket-buffer-size-as-chunk-size optional
          <p>Specifies whether the server's buffer size for sending or receiving data through a raw socket should be set to 4KB. 
intmax-http-message-size optional
          <p>The maximum number of bytes allowed in messages that are received over the HTTP protocol. 
intmax-com-message-size optional
          <p>The maximum number of bytes allowed in messages that are received over the COM protocol. 
intmax-iiop-message-size optional
          <p>The maximum number of bytes allowed in messages that are received over the IIOP protocol. 
annonymous type derived from intdefault-giop-minor-version optional
          <p>The default minor GIOP version for IIOP messages. 
booleanuse-iiop-locate-request optional
          <p>Specify whether outbound calls should use an initial LocateRequest. 
annonymous type derived from stringiiop-tx-mechanism optional
          <p>Configures IIOP propagate transactions using either WebLogic-specific JTA or the OMG-specified OTS. 
annonymous type derived from stringiiop-location-forward-policy optional
          <p>Specify how IIOP location forward host selection should be applied. 
annonymous type derived from intcomplete-message-timeout optional
          <p>The maximum number of seconds that this server waits for a complete message to be received. 
annonymous type derived from intcomplete-t3-message-timeout optional
          <p>The maximum number of seconds spent waiting for a complete T3 message to be received. 
annonymous type derived from intcomplete-http-message-timeout optional
          <p>The maximum number of seconds spent waiting for a complete HTTP message to be received. 
annonymous type derived from intcomplete-com-message-timeout optional
          <p>The maximum number of seconds spent waiting for a complete COM message to be received. 
annonymous type derived from intidle-connection-timeout optional
          <p>The maximum number of seconds that a connection is allowed to be idle before it is closed by the server. 
annonymous type derived from intidle-iiop-connection-timeout optional
          <p>The maximum number of seconds an IIOP connection is allowed to be idle before it is closed by the server. 
annonymous type derived from intcomplete-iiop-message-timeout optional
          <p>The maximum number of seconds spent waiting for a complete IIOP message to be received. 
annonymous type derived from intperiod-length optional
          <p>The time interval in milliseconds of the heartbeat period. 
annonymous type derived from intidle-periods-until-timeout optional
          <p>The number of idle periods until peer is considered unreachable</p> (Interface=weblogic. 
annonymous type derived from intrjvm-idle-timeout optional
          <p>The period of inactivity in milliseconds after which a RJVM is cleaned up. 
annonymous type derived from intresponse-timeout optional
          <p>The time in milliseconds for which we are willing to wait for a response. 
intdgc-idle-periods-until-timeout optional
          <p>The number of idle periods allowed before object is collected. 
anyTypessl optional
          <p>Returns the kernel's SSL configuration. 
anyTypeiiop optional
          <p>Returns the kernel's IIOP configuration. 
anyTypelog optional
          <p>Returns the Log settings for this Kernel. 
booleanlog-remote-exceptions-enabled optional
          <p>Specifies whether the server message log includes exceptions that are raised in remote systems. 
booleaninstrument-stack-trace-enabled optional
          <p>Specifies whether the server returns stack traces for RMI calls that generate exceptions. 
anyTypeexecute-queue 0...∞
          <p>Returns the execute queues configured for this server. 
annonymous type derived from intmax-open-sock-count optional
          <p>The maximum number of open sockets allowed in server at a given point of time. 
annonymous type derived from intstuck-thread-max-time optional
          <p>The number of seconds that a thread must be continually working before this server considers the thread stuck. 
annonymous type derived from intstuck-thread-timer-interval optional
          <p>The number of seconds after which WebLogic Server periodically scans threads to see if they have been continually working for the configured maximum length of time. 
booleantracing-enabled optional
          <p>Returns true if tracing is enabled</p> (Interface=weblogic. 
annonymous type derived from intmessaging-bridge-thread-pool-size optional
          <p>Returns the size of the messaging bridge execute thread pool. 
intmtu-size optional
          <p>Returns the size of the MTU of the NIC. 
booleanload-stub-using-context-class-loader optional
          <p>Sets the value of the LoadStubUsingContextClassLoader attribute. 
booleanrefresh-client-runtime-descriptor optional
          <p>Sets the value of the RefreshClientRuntimeDescriptor attribute. 
longtimed-out-ref-isolation-time optional
          <p>The amount of time in milli seconds a reference should not be used after a request timed out. 
booleanuse81-style-execute-queues optional
          <p>Backward compatibility mode to switch to 8. 
annonymous type derived from intt3-client-abbrev-table-size optional
annonymous type derived from intt3-server-abbrev-table-size optional

BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Security Schema Reference

Version: 10.0