BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Security Schema Reference
element public-address

Disallowed substitutions (block)
none (extensions, restrictions and substitutions are allowed)
Substitution group exclusion (final)
none (extensions and restrictions are allowed)
<p>The IP address or DNS name representing the external identity of
 this network channel. A value of <tt>null</tt> indicates that the
 network channel's Listen Address is also its external address. If
 the Listen Address is <tt>null,</tt>the network channel obtains its
 external identity from the server's configuration.</p>

 <p>This is required for the configurations which need to cross
 a firewall doing Network Address Translation.</p>
 ( Attribute=getPublicAddress)
Fundamental Facets
equality, non-numeric, unbounded, unordered, countable infinite value space
White Space Processing
BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Security Schema Reference

Version: 10.0