BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Security Schema Reference
complexType web-app-containerType


name?, notes?, relogin-enabled?, allow-all-roles?, filter-dispatched-requests-enabled?, overload-protection-enabled?, x-powered-by-header-level?, mime-mapping-file?, optimistic-serialization?, retain-original-url?, servlet-authentication-form-url?, rtexprvalue-jsp-param-name?, client-cert-proxy-enabled?, http-trace-support-enabled?, weblogic-plugin-enabled?, auth-cookie-enabled?, wap-enabled?, post-timeout-secs?, max-post-time-secs?, max-post-size?, work-context-propagation-enabled?, p3p-header-value?, jsp-compiler-backwards-compatible?, servlet-reload-check-secs?, show-archived-real-path-enabled?
Prohibited substitutions (block)
none (extensions and restrictions are allowed)
Derived types: none
Components using this type: none
Corresponds to WebAppContainerMBean

Nested Element Summary
annonymous type derived from stringname optional
          <p>The user-specified name of this MBean instance. 
stringnotes optional
          <p>Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration. 
booleanrelogin-enabled optional
          <p>Beginning with the 9. 
booleanallow-all-roles optional
          <p> In the security-constraints elements defined in a Web application's web. 
booleanfilter-dispatched-requests-enabled optional
          <p> Indicates whether or not to apply filters to dispatched requests. 
booleanoverload-protection-enabled optional
          <p>This parameter is used to enable overload protection in the webapp container against low memory conditions. 
annonymous type derived from stringx-powered-by-header-level optional
          <p> WebLogic Server uses the X-Powered-By HTTP header, as recommended by the Servlet 2. 
stringmime-mapping-file optional
          <p>Returns the name of the file containing mime-mappings for the domain. 
booleanoptimistic-serialization optional
          <p> When OptimisticSerialization is turned on, WebLogic server does not serialize-deserialize context and request attributes upon getAttribute(name) when a request gets dispatched across servlet contexts. 
booleanretain-original-url optional
          <p> retain-original-url is used in FORM based authentication scenarios. 
booleanservlet-authentication-form-url optional
          <p> ServletAuthenticationFormURL is used for backward compatibility with previous releases of Weblogic Server. 
booleanrtexprvalue-jsp-param-name optional
          <p>Global property which determines the behavior of the JSP compiler when a jsp:param attribute "name" has a request time value. 
booleanclient-cert-proxy-enabled optional
          <p>Specifies whether or not to honor the WL-Proxy-Client-Cert header coming with the request. 
booleanhttp-trace-support-enabled optional
          <p> Returns the value of HttpTraceSupportEnabled. 
booleanweblogic-plugin-enabled optional
          <p>Specifies whether or not the proprietary <tt>WL-Proxy-Client-IP</tt> header should be honored. 
booleanauth-cookie-enabled optional
          <p>Whether authcookie feature is enabled or not. 
booleanwap-enabled optional
          <p>Indicates whether the session ID should include JVM information. 
annonymous type derived from intpost-timeout-secs optional
          <p>The amount of time this server waits between receiving chunks of data in an HTTP POST data before it times out. 
intmax-post-time-secs optional
          <p>Max Post Time (in seconds) for reading HTTP POST data in a servlet request. 
intmax-post-size optional
          <p>The maximum post size this server allows for reading HTTP POST data in a servlet request. 
booleanwork-context-propagation-enabled optional
          <p>Indicates whether or not WorkContextPropagation is enabled. 
stringp3p-header-value optional
          <p> Returns the P3PHeader value that will be sent with all responses for http requests (if non-null). 
booleanjsp-compiler-backwards-compatible optional
          <p>Global property to determine the behavior of the JSP compiler. 
intservlet-reload-check-secs optional
booleanshow-archived-real-path-enabled optional
          <p>Global property to determine the behavior of getRealPath() for archived web applications. 

BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Security Schema Reference

Version: 10.0