
Uses of Class

Packages that use TreeNode

Uses of TreeNode in com.bea.console.utils

Methods in com.bea.console.utils that return TreeNode
 TreeNode NavTreeExtensionEvent.getParent()
          Returns the parent TreeNode for the extension that this event represents.

Methods in com.bea.console.utils with parameters of type TreeNode
 void NavTreeExtensionEvent.setParent(TreeNode parent)
          Sets the parent TreeNode for the extension that this event represents.

Constructors in com.bea.console.utils with parameters of type TreeNode
NavTreeExtensionEvent(String pageLabel, String url, String parentPath, TreeNode childNodes)
NavTreeExtensionEvent(String pageLabel, String url, String parentPath, TreeNode parent, int action)
NavTreeExtensionEvent(String parentPath, TreeNode parent, int action)
          Constructs a new NavTreeExtensionEvent that can append or replace a node or node tree in a specified location.

Uses of TreeNode in com.bea.jsptools.tree

Methods in com.bea.jsptools.tree that return TreeNode
 TreeNode TreeNode.getNextSibling()
 TreeNode TreeNode.getParent()
          Returns the TreeNode object that represents this TreeNode's parent node.
 TreeNode TreeNode.getPreviousSibling()

Methods in com.bea.jsptools.tree with parameters of type TreeNode
 void TreeNode.addChild(TreeNode node)
          Adds a TreeNode as a child of this TreeNode.
 boolean TreeNode.equals(TreeNode t)
 void TreeNode.removeChild(TreeNode node)
          Removes a TreeNode from this TreeNode's collection of child nodes.
 void TreeNode.replaceChild(TreeNode replace, TreeNode node)
          Replace a child TreeNode with another TreeNode.
 void TreeNode.setNextSibling(TreeNode nextSibling)
 void TreeNode.setParent(TreeNode parent)
          Sets the parent of this TreeNode.
 void TreeNode.setParentAlone(TreeNode parent)
          Sets the parent of this TreeNode but does not add it to the parent's collection of child nodes.
 void TreeNode.setPreviousSibling(TreeNode previousSibling)

Constructors in com.bea.jsptools.tree with parameters of type TreeNode
TreeNode(String nodeId, String nodeName, String nodeUrl, TreeNode parent)
          Constructs a TreeNode to be rendered as a child of another node in the navigation tree.

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