
Uses of Class

Packages that use InvalidCursorException Provides interfaces and classes for the configuration, control and monitoring of Credential Mapping security providers in a WebLogic security realm. This package includes interfaces and exceptions for developers who are interested in creating custom applications that use BEA WebLogic Server facilities to monitor and configure applications and WebLogic Server instances. 

Uses of InvalidCursorException in

Methods in that throw InvalidCursorException
 String PKICredentialMapReaderMBean.getCurrentCredAction(String cursor)
          Gets an credential action from a list that has been returned from the listMappings or the listMappingsByPattern() method.
 String PKICredentialMapReaderMBean.getCurrentCredential(String cursor)
          Gets the keystore alias from a credentials map that has been returned from the listMappings or the listMappingsByPattern() method.
 String UserPasswordCredentialMapReaderMBean.getCurrentCredentialRemotePassword(String cursor)
 String UserPasswordCredentialMapReaderMBean.getCurrentCredentialRemoteUserName(String cursor)
          Gets a remote username from a list that has been returned from the listCredentials method.
 String PKICredentialMapReaderMBean.getCurrentInitiatorName(String cursor)
          Gets an username from a list that has been returned from the listMappings or the listMappingsByPattern() method.
 String UserPasswordCredentialMapReaderMBean.getCurrentMappingRemoteUserName(String cursor)
          Gets an remote username from a credentials mapping that has been returned from the listMappings method.
 String UserPasswordCredentialMapExtendedReaderMBean.getCurrentMappingResourceID(String cursor)
          Gets an resource id from a credentials map that has been returned from the listMappingsByPattern method.
 String UserPasswordCredentialMapReaderMBean.getCurrentMappingWLSUserName(String cursor)
          Gets a webLogic username from a credentials mapping that has been returned from the listMappings method.
 String PKICredentialMapReaderMBean.getCurrentResourceId(String cursor)
          Gets the current resource id from a list that has been returned from the and listMappingsByPattern() method.
 boolean PKICredentialMapReaderMBean.isInitiatorUserName(String cursor)
          Returns whether the initiator name from a list that has been returned from the listMappings or the listMappingsByPattern()method is a user name or a group name.

Uses of InvalidCursorException in

Methods in that throw InvalidCursorException
 void ListerMBean.advance(String cursor)
          Advances the list to the next element in the list.
 void ListerMBean.close(String cursor)
          Indicates that the caller is finished using the list, and that the resources held on behalf of the list may be released.
 String NameListerMBean.getCurrentName(String cursor)
          The name of the current item in the list.
 Properties PropertiesListerMBean.getCurrentProperties(String cursor)
          The properties of the current item in the list.
 boolean ListerMBean.haveCurrent(String cursor)
          Returns true if there are more objects in the list, and false otherwise.

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