Interface CredentialMapperV2

public interface CredentialMapperV2

The CredentialMapperV2 interface defines the security service provider interface (SSPI) for objects capable of obtaining the appropriate set of credentials for a particular resource that is scoped within an application.

An implementation of the CredentialMapperV2 interface is the part of a Credential Mapping provider that must return at least two specific credential formats:

Credential Mapping providers may implement other types of objects that represent other types of credentials in addition to the ones listed above.

Field Summary
static String PASSWORD_TYPE
          The static credentials type identifier that is used by the WebLogic Security Framework and passed to the WebLogic Credential Mapping provider through the Credential Manager in the getCredential methods.
static String PKI_KEY_PAIR_TYPE
          The static credentials type identifier that is used by the WebLogic Security Framework and passed to the WebLogic Credential Mapping provider through the Credential Manager in the getCredential methods.
          The static credentials type identifier that is used by the WebLogic Security Framework and passed to the WebLogic Credential Mapping provider through the Credential Manager in the getCredential methods.
          The SAML.Assertion64 token is used to identify a SAML token that is a Base64 encoded SAML.Assertion.
          The SAML.Assertion.DOM token is used to identify a SAML token that is a DOM Element representation of a SAML.Assertion.
          The SAML.Assertion token is used to identify a SAML token in string XML form.
          The SAML2.Assertion.DOM token is used to identify a SAML 2.0 token that is a DOM Element representation of a SAML.Assertion.
          The SAML2.Assertion token is used to identify a SAML 2.0 token in string XML form.
          The static credentials type used for acquiring SPNEGO token with credential mapping provider.
          The static credentials type identifier that is used by the WebLogic Security Framework and passed to the WebLogic Credential Mapping provider through the Credential Manager in the getCredential methods.
Method Summary
 Object getCredential(Subject requestor, String initiator, Resource resource, ContextHandler handler, String credType)
          Returns credential of the specified type from the target resource associated with the specified initiator.
 Object[] getCredentials(Subject requestor, Subject initiator, Resource resource, ContextHandler handler, String credType)
          Returns credentials of the specified type from the target resource associated with the specified initiator.

Field Detail


static final String PASSWORD_TYPE
The static credentials type identifier that is used by the WebLogic Security Framework and passed to the WebLogic Credential Mapping provider through the Credential Manager in the getCredential methods. It is associated with credentials of type char[]

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String USER_PASSWORD_TYPE
The static credentials type identifier that is used by the WebLogic Security Framework and passed to the WebLogic Credential Mapping provider through the Credential Manager in the getCredential methods. It is associated with credentials of type

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String PKI_KEY_PAIR_TYPE
The static credentials type identifier that is used by the WebLogic Security Framework and passed to the WebLogic Credential Mapping provider through the Credential Manager in the getCredential methods. It is associated with credentials of type PKICredential to retrieve the key pair.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


The static credentials type identifier that is used by the WebLogic Security Framework and passed to the WebLogic Credential Mapping provider through the Credential Manager in the getCredential methods. It is associated with credentials of type PKICredential to retrieve the trusted certificate.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String SPNEGO_TOKEN_TYPE
The static credentials type used for acquiring SPNEGO token with credential mapping provider.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String SAML_ASSERTION_TYPE
The SAML.Assertion token is used to identify a SAML token in string XML form.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String SAML_ASSERTION_B64_TYPE
The SAML.Assertion64 token is used to identify a SAML token that is a Base64 encoded SAML.Assertion.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String SAML_ASSERTION_DOM_TYPE
The SAML.Assertion.DOM token is used to identify a SAML token that is a DOM Element representation of a SAML.Assertion.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String SAML2_ASSERTION_TYPE
The SAML2.Assertion token is used to identify a SAML 2.0 token in string XML form.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String SAML2_ASSERTION_DOM_TYPE
The SAML2.Assertion.DOM token is used to identify a SAML 2.0 token that is a DOM Element representation of a SAML.Assertion.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


Object getCredential(Subject requestor,
                     String initiator,
                     Resource resource,
                     ContextHandler handler,
                     String credType)
Returns credential of the specified type from the target resource associated with the specified initiator. Returns null if no credentials were found.

requestor - subject requesting credentials
initiator - the identity for which credentials are retrieved
resource - the resource for which credentials are requested
handler - a ContextHandler with optional extra data
credType - credential type
Credential of the specified type from the target resource associated with the specified subject


Object[] getCredentials(Subject requestor,
                        Subject initiator,
                        Resource resource,
                        ContextHandler handler,
                        String credType)
Returns credentials of the specified type from the target resource associated with the specified initiator. Returns null if no credentials were found.

requestor - Subject requesting credentials
initiator - the identity for which credentials are retrieved
resource - the resource for which credentials are requested
handler - a ContextHandler with optional extra data
credType - credential type
Credentials of the specified type from the target resource associated with the specified subject

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