
Interface SoapDispatch.WsrmUtils

Enclosing class:

public static interface SoapDispatch.WsrmUtils

WS-RM specific utility methods for SoapDispatch

Method Summary
 void sendEmptyLastMessage()
          Send 'empty last message' to complete the reliable sequence being managed by this SoapDispatch instance.
 void setFinalMessage()
          Sets a flag on this service handle indicating that the next message sent using the handle will be the 'final' request to be sent.
 void setLastMessage()
          Set 'last message' flag so that the next message sent via invokeAsync will complete the reliable sequence being managed by this SoapDispatch instance.
 void terminateSequence()
          Send 'terminate sequence' to complete the reliable sequence being managed by this SoapDispatch instance.

Method Detail


void setFinalMessage()
Sets a flag on this service handle indicating that the next message sent using the handle will be the 'final' request to be sent. This is a convenience method that is equivalent to calling.
Thus, you would call this method before invoking an operation on the service handle. Note, this method is fundamentally different than setting 'last' message (calling setLastMessage) in that setting the 'final' message is BEA-specific, and triggers BEA-specific behavior.

See Also:


void setLastMessage()
Set 'last message' flag so that the next message sent via invokeAsync will complete the reliable sequence being managed by this SoapDispatch instance. Note, setFinalMessage is the preferred method for signalling the final message in a sequence. This is a convenience method that is equivalent to calling.
Only one further call to invokeAsync should be made on this SoapDispatch instance after calling this method. This final call to invokeAsync will send a message that is marked as the 'last message' in the sequence.

See Also:
#setSentFinalMessage(), WsrmProtocolUtils.setLastMessage(Map)


void sendEmptyLastMessage()
Send 'empty last message' to complete the reliable sequence being managed by this SoapDispatch instance. Note, setFinalMessage is the preferred method for signalling the final message in a sequence. This is a convenience method that is equivalent to calling.
No further calls to invokeAsync should be made on this SoapDispatch instance after calling this method.

See Also:
#setSentFinalMessage(), WsrmProtocolUtils.sendEmptyLastMessage(Map, String)


void terminateSequence()
Send 'terminate sequence' to complete the reliable sequence being managed by this SoapDispatch instance. This is a convenience method that is equivalent to calling.
No further calls to invokeAsync should be made on this SoapDispatch instance after calling this method.

See Also:

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