Using the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework Console Extension

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Working with Views

A view is a named collection of charts and graphs that present graphical information of similar diagnostic type data. The following sections describe how to work with views:


The Views Tab and the View Panel

The Views tab in the Tabs panel, on the left side of the page, contains a list of views for all running servers in the domain. It also provides the means to create, select, modify, and delete views. When you select (click) the name of a view in the Views tab on the left, the view is displayed in the View panel on the right, as shown in Figure 5-1. That view remains displayed in the View panel, even when you select different tabs in the Tabs panel.

Figure 5-1 Views Tab and View Panel

Views Tab and View Panel

The Views tab lists both built-in and custom views.

The charts and graphs in a view can display diagnostic data for any of the servers running in the domain.

The views listed in the Views tab are displayed in separate trees, as shown in Figure 5-2.

Figure 5-2 Built-in and Custom Views Displayed in the View Tab

Built-in and Custom Views Displayed in the View Tab

Table 5-1 describes the visual cues that help identify the views in the Views tab.

Table 5-1 Views Tab Icons 
Visual Cue

Built-in and Custom Views Displayed in the View Tab

Blue and white icon adjacent to a view name
The view is active and data polling is occurring for all charts in that view. (This is true whether or not the view is currently displayed in the View panel.)

Built-in and Custom Views Displayed in the View Tab

Gray and white icon adjacent to a view name
The view is inactive and data polling is not occurring for the charts in that view.

Built-in and Custom Views Displayed in the View Tab

View name in italic font
The view has been modified but not yet saved.

Note: You cannot save changes to a built-in view.


Displaying and Modifying an Existing View

To display and modify an existing view:

  1. Select the Views tab to display the list of available views.
  2. Click the name of the view. The view appears in the View panel, replacing the view that is currently displayed. (Only one view can be displayed at a time.)
  3. Add and modify charts, as desired. See Working with All Charts and Graphs.
  4. Save the view (custom views only):
    • In the Views tab, click the Save button, or
    • On the toolbar, click the Built-in and Custom Views Displayed in the View Tab (Save All Modified Views) button.


Creating a Custom View

To create and display a new custom view:

  1. Click the Views tab.
  2. In the text field to the left of the Create button, enter a name for the view.
  3. Click Create (or press Enter) to create the view. The new, empty view is displayed in the View panel.
  4. Add and modify charts, as desired. See Working with All Charts and Graphs.
  5. Save the view:
    • In the Views tab, right-click the view name and select Save Changes, or
    • On the toolbar, click the Built-in and Custom Views Displayed in the View Tab (Save All Modified Views) button.


Creating a View Based on an Existing View (Cloning)

To create and display a view based on an existing view:

  1. Select the Views tab.
  2. Click the name of the existing view on which you want to base a new view.
  3. In the text field to the left of the Create button, enter a name for the new view.
  4. Click Clone to copy the current view with the new name. The cloned view is displayed in the View panel. Until you make changes, the cloned view has the same properties as the view upon which it is based.
  5. Add and modify charts, as desired. See Working with All Charts and Graphs.
  6. Save the view:
    • In the Views tab, right-click the view name and select Save Changes, or
    • On the toolbar, click the Built-in and Custom Views Displayed in the View Tab (Save All Modified Views) button.


Changing the Name of a View

You can change the names of custom views only. To change the name of a view:

  1. Select the Views tab.
  2. Right-click the name of the view you want to rename, select Rename, and type a new name. Alternatively, in the View panel, right-click the name of the current view at the top of the panel. Then type a new name in the field.
  3. Save the view:
    • In the Views tab, right-click the view name and select Save Changes, or
    • On the toolbar, click the Built-in and Custom Views Displayed in the View Tab (Save All Modified Views) button.


Saving A Custom View

While you can modify any view for the current session, you can save only custom views. To save a custom view:

  1. Select the Views tab.
  2. Click the name of the custom view you want to save.
  3. Save the view:
    • In the Views tab, right-click the view name and select Save Changes, or
    • On the toolbar, click the Built-in and Custom Views Displayed in the View Tab (Save All Modified Views) button.


Deleting a View

You can only delete custom views. To delete a custom view:

  1. Select the Views tab.
  2. Click the name of the view you want to delete.
  3. Click the Built-in and Custom Views Displayed in the View Tab (Delete) button in the toolbar.


Starting and Stopping a View

When you start a view, polling commences for the charts in the view. That is, the client starts polling for data from the server, so that the data can be represented in one or more graphs. When you stop a view, polling for the view ends.

To start a view:

  1. Select the Views tab.
  2. Either left-click the view you want to start, or right-click and select Start from the context menu.

To stop a view:

  1. Click the Views tab.
  2. Right-click the view you want to stop, and select Stop from the context menu.

To stop all views, click the Built-in and Custom Views Displayed in the View Tab (Stop All Active Views) button on the toolbar to stop all active views.

Note: Current data for metrics charts is polled from a data cache on the server. Historical data for metrics charts and all data for method performance charts are retrieved from data archives. If you stop all views, data is no longer added to the data cache on the server. For more information, see Understanding How Data Is Collected and Presented.

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