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Installing the Netscape (proxy) Plug-in

Platform Support
Installing the library
Configuring the obj.conf file
Proxy by ppath
Proxy by file extension
Enable HTTP-tunneling
Modify the MIME.types file
Deploy and test the Netscape (proxy) plug-in

Supporting Documentation
Sample obj.conf file
Notes on configuring a WebLogic Cluster
Notes on failover in a WebLogic Cluster
Sample obj.conf file using a WebLogic Cluster
Change history


This document describes how to install and configure the Netscape (proxy) plug-in. The plug-in, also known as NSAPI, integrates WebLogic's HTTP functionality into NES, and provides a way to access WebLogic's servlet engine transparently.

The plug-in is for an environment where NES serves static pages, and a Weblogic Server (operating in a different process, possibly on a different host) is delegated to serve dynamic pages (such as JSPs or pages generated by HTTP Servlets). The connection between WebLogic Server and the NSAPI plug-in is clear text http, not SSL. To the end user -- the browser -- the HTTP requests delegated to WebLogic appear to come from the same source as the static pages. In other words, WebLogic on the back-end is invisible. Additionally, the HTTP-tunneling facility of the WebLogic client-server protocol can operate through the plug-in, providing access to all WebLogic services (not just dynamic pages).

The WebLogic plug-in operates as an NSAPI module within an Enterprise Server. The NSAPI module is loaded by NES at startup, and then certain HTTP requests are delegated to it. NSAPI is similar to an HTTP (Java) servlet, except that an NSAPI module is in code native to the platform.

Platform Support

For the latest support information concerning the WebLogic NSAPI plug-in, see our Platform Support page.

There are four steps to installing the NSAPI plug-in:

  1. Install the appropriate NSAPI library file in the filesystem where NES is located.

  2. Modify the obj.conf configuration file for the NES instance.

  3. Modify the mimes.types file in the NES configuration directory.

  4. Deploy and test the NSAPI plug-in.

Step One: Install the library

The WebLogic NSAPI plug-in is distributed as a shared object (.so) on UNIX platforms and as a dynamic-link library (.dll) on NT. These files are respectively located in the weblogic/lib and weblogic/bin directories of the distribution. Choose the appropriate library file for your environment from the platform support table. Then, copy that file into the filesystem where NES is located.

Step Two: Configure the obj.conf file

In order to use the NSAPI plug-in, you need to modify the NES obj.conf file. These modifications include:

  • Code that instructs NES to load the native library as an NSAPI module
  • Object definitions for each type of request that should be handled by the NSAPI plug-in
  • Optional code that allows HTTP-tunneling of the WebLogic protocol through the NSAPI plug-in

Locate and Open obj.conf

The obj.conf file for your NES instance will be in the following location:

Where NETSCAPE_HOME is the root directory of the NES installation, and INSTANCE_NAME is the particular "instance" or server configuration that you are using. For example, on a UNIX machine called goldengate, the obj.conf file would be found here:

Instruct NES to load the native library as an NSAPI module

Add the following lines of code at the beginning of the obj.conf file. This code instructs NES to load the native library (shared object or dll from the list above) as an NSAPI module.

Init fn="load-modules" funcs="wl-proxy,wl-init"\
Init fn="wl-init"
Where SHARED_LIBRARY is the shared object or dll (for example that you installed in step one. The function "load-modules" tags the shared library for loading when NES starts up. The values "wl-proxy" and "wl-init" identify the functions that the NSAPI plug-in plug-in will execute.

Declare which requests should be handled by the NSAPI plug-in

All requests that will go through the NSAPI plug-in to WebLogic Server must be declared in an object definition that exists in the obj.conf file. These requests can be identified in two ways: by their MIME file extension, or by a specific string (called a ppath) in their URL.

Whether you are proxying by MIME or ppath, you must add parameters to the <Object> tag itself, as well as between the opening and closing <Object> tags. NES Parameters (between the < and >) include its name and, optionally, a ppath. Between the tags, the Service statement sets the WebLogic parameters that the module recognizes: WebLogicHost (required), WebLogicPort (required), PathTrim, PathPrepend, ConnectTimeoutSecs, ConnectRetrySecs, and StatPath. If a required parameter is missing, the object will issue an HTML error when invoked that notes the parameter that is missing from the configuration.

The Netscape obj.conf file is very strict about the placement of text. To avoid problems, please be certain that you follow these directions:

  1. Eliminate extraneous leading and trailing white space.
  2. If you must enter more characters than can be fit on one line, place a backslash "\" at the end of that line and continue typing on the following line. The backslash directly appends the end of the first line to the beginning of the following line. If a space is necessary between the words that end the first line and begin the second line, be certain to use one space, either at the end of the first line (before the backslash), or at the beginning of the second line.
  3. Attributes must not be split across multiple lines. (For example, all of the servers in a cluster must be listed in the same line, following WebLogicCluster).

Proxy by ppath

To proxy by ppath, begin a new object defintion, by typing <Object name="insert_name">. Name it according to the service it proxies, and set the ppath in the <Object> tag. The ppath can be any string that identifies requests intended for the weblogic server. When you use a ppath, every request that contains that path is redirected. For example, a ppath of "*/weblogic/*" would redirect every request that begins "" to the NSAPI plug-in which will send the request to the specified Weblogic Host/Port or Cluster.

Each new Object definition (the code between the tags) begins with Service fn=wl-proxy, and must set two required parameters (for WebLogic servers not in a cluster): WebLogicHost and WebLogicPort. For WebLogic servers in a cluster, only one parameter is required: WebLogicCluster.

Here is an example of the object definitions that would be added to obj.conf for two separate ppaths that indentify requests to be sent to different instances of WebLogic Server.

<Object name="weblogic" ppath="*/weblogic/*">
Service fn=wl-proxy\
   WebLogicPort=7001 PathTrim="/weblogic"

<Object name="si" ppath="*/servletimages/*">
Service fn=wl-proxy\

Note: Parameters that are not required, such as PathTrim, can be used to further configure the way the ppath is passed through the NSAPI plug-in. All of the WebLogic NSAPI plug-in parameters are explained in the Parameters section of this document.

Proxy by file extension

All requests with a designated MIME file type extension (for example, .jsp or .jhtml) can be tagged for the NSAPI plug-in, regardless of the request's URL. To proxy all requests of a certain file type to WebLogic server, you must add a Service statement to the existing "default" Object defintion.

To proxy all JSPs to a WebLogic Server, the following Service statement should be added after the last line that begins NameTrans fn=....and before the line that begins PathCheck.

Service method="(GET|HEAD|POST|PUT)" type=text/jsp fn=wl-proxy\
  WebLogicHost= WebLogicPort=7001 PathPrepend=/jspfiles
This statement proxies all files with the .jsp extension to the designated WebLogic Server, where they are served with a URL like this:

The value of PathPrepend should correspond to the WebLogic document root, which is where the JSPServlet searches for JSP files to compile in answer to a request. (Read the Developers Guide, Using WebLogic JSP, for more on JSP and automatic page compilation.)

After the addition, the default Object definition will be similar to the one below, with the additions shown in blue:

<Object name=default>
NameTrans fn=pfx2dir from=/ns-icons\
NameTrans fn=pfx2dir from=/mc-icons\
NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/help" dir=\
NameTrans fn=document-root root="c:/Netscape/SuiteSpot/docs"
Service method="(GET|HEAD|POST|PUT)" type=text/jsp fn=wl-proxy\
  WebLogicHost=localhost WebLogicPort=7001 PathPrepend=/jspfiles
PathCheck fn=nt-uri-clean
PathCheck fn="check-acl" acl="default"
PathCheck fn=find-pathinfo
PathCheck fn=find-index index-names="index.html,home.html"
ObjectType fn=type-by-extension
ObjectType fn=force-type type=text/plain
Service method=(GET|HEAD) type=magnus-internal/imagemap fn=imagemap
Service method=(GET|HEAD) \
  type=magnus-internal/directory fn=index-common
Service method=(GET|HEAD) type=*~magnus-internal/* fn=send-file
AddLog fn=flex-log name="access"

A similar Service statement should be added to the default object definition for all other MIME types that you wish to proxy to WebLogic Server.

Enable HTTP-tunneling

If you wish to use HTTP-tunneling of the WebLogic Protocol through the NSAPI plug-in, you must add the following object definition to the obj.conf file, substituting the WebLogic Host and WebLogic Port, or WebLogic Cluster that you wish to use.

<Object name="tunnel" ppath="*/HTTPClnt*">
Service fn=wl-proxy WebLogicHost= WebLogicPort=7001

Step Three: Modify the MIME.types file

If you set the NSAPI plug-in to proxy by MIME type as described above, you must add an identifier and extension of each MIME type to be proxied in your NES configuration directory. There are two ways to do this: through the console, or by directly editing the MIME.types file. To directly edit the MIME.types file, open the file for edit and type the following line:

  type=text/jsp        exts=jsp
Note, for NES 4.0 (iPlanet), instead of adding the MIME type for JSPs, the existing MIME type must be changed from

/magnus-internal/jsp   to   text/jsp.

For all versions of NES, you may edit the MIME.types file manually, or you can use administration console. To use the console, click
Manage --> Preferences --> Mime Types, and make the additions or edits.

Step Four: Deploy and test the NSAPI plug-in

Once you have installed and configured the NSAPI plug-in, follow these steps for deployment and testing:
  1. Start WebLogic.

  2. Start Netscape Enterprise Server. If NES is already running, you must either restart it, or apply the new settings from the console, for the new settings to take effect.

  3. To test the NSAPI plug-in, open a browser and set the URL to the Enterprise Server + "/weblogic/", which should bring up the default WebLogic HTTP servlet, as shown in this example:


The NSAPI module recognizes the following parameters. Parameter names have changed from version 4.0. While the deprecated "Tengah"-based names are still respected, we strongly recommend that you update your environment.

Note on configuring a WebLogic Cluster: If you will be using a WebLogic ClusterWhat's a WebLogic Cluster?, note that you must use the WebLogicCluster parameter instead of the WebLogicHost and WebLogicPort parameters.

WebLogicHost=domain name
Required (If you are using a WebLogic Cluster, you should use the WebLogicCluster parameter instead.). WebLogic host to which HTTP requests should be forwarded.

WebLogicPort=port (formerly TengahPort)
Required (If you are using a WebLogic Cluster, you should use the WebLogicCluster parameter instead.). Port at which the WebLogic host is listening for WebLogic connection requests.

WebLogicCluster=cluster list
Required (if you are using a WebLogic Cluster) List of WebLogic Servers that can be used in a cluster for load-balancing. The cluster list is a comma-delimited list of host:port entries. For example,

This parameter should be used instead of the WebLogicHost and WebLogicPort parameters. The WebLogic Server will look first for the WebLogicCluster parameter. If not found, it will look for and use WebLogicHost and WebLogicPort. (If it can not find those, it will look for and use TengahHost and TengahPort.)

The plug-in will do simple round-robining between all available cluster members. The cluster list specified in this property is a starting point for the dynamic cluster list that the server and plug-in maintain. WebLogic Server and the plug-in work together to automatically update the cluster list with new, failed, and recovered cluster members.

Additionally, the plug-in will direct HTTP requests that contain a cookie to the server in the cluster that originally created the cookie.

String to be trimmed from the beginning of the original URL, before the request is forwarded to WebLogic. Default is "".

The ppath regexp may be passed to WebLogic as part of the WebLogic URL, or may be stripped off, depending upon the setting of the PathTrim inside the Object tag. For example, a typical Object tag that proxies a request to WebLogic looks like this:

<Object name="weblogic" ppath="*/weblogic/*">
Service fn=wl-proxy\

The ppath setting means that a URL directed to Enterprise Server, such as:
will be passed to the WebLogic Server for parsing. Because the PathTrim has been set to strip off "/weblogic" before handing the URL to the WebLogic Server, the URL forwarded to WebLogic is:

String to be prepended to the beginning of the original URL, after PathTrim has been trimmed, before the request is forwarded to WebLogic. Default is "".

Maximum interval (in seconds) that the module should attempt to connect to the WebLogic host. Defaults to 10 seconds, and should be greater than ConnectRetrySecs. If ConnectTimeoutSecs expires without a successful connection, even after the appropriate retries (see ConnectRetrySecs) an HTTP 503/Service Unavailable response is sent to the client.

Interval (in seconds) that the module should sleep between attempts to connect to the WebLogic host. Defaults to 2 seconds, and this number should always be less than the ConnectTimeoutSecs. The plug-in will try ConnectTimeoutSecs/ConnectRetrySecs times to connect before returning an HTTP 503/Service Unavailable response to the client. To never retry, set ConnectRetrySecs to equal ConnectTimeoutSecs.

If set to true, the plug-in will check the existence and readability permissions of the translated path ("Proxy-Path-Translated") of the request before forwarding the request to WebLogic. Defaults to false. If the file does not exist, an HTTP 404/Not Found response will be returned to the client. If the file exists but is not world-readable, an HTTP 403/Forbidden response will be returned to the client. In either case, the default mechanism for Enterprise Server to handle these responses will fulfill the body of the response. This option is really only useful if both the WebLogic servlet engine and Enterprise Server have the same document root.

This Object tag directs the plug-in to check that the translated path exists and is world-readable. This feature is turned on by setting an initialization parameter to the NSAPI module StatPath=true. For example:

<Object name="statCheck" ppath="*/statCheck/*">
Service fn=wl-proxy StatPath=true

If the translated path does not exist, the plug-in sends a 404 (Not found). If it is not world-readable, it sends a 403 (Forbidden). In both cases, the default page/CGI-script configured in your server for 403/404 responses is invoked.

You may create your own error page that will be displayed when Netscape Enterprise Server is unable to forward requests to WebLogic Server. Set URL to the location of your error page.

If you change the name of the WebLogic session cookie in the WebLogic Server, you need to add this property to the obj.conf file. The name of the WebLogic session cookie is set in the file using the property. For more details, see the Administrators Guide, Setting up WebLogic as an HTTP server.

If the URI is "/" then the default filename will be appended to the URI. This prevents redirects from the WebLogic Server. The DefaultFileName should be set to the default welcome page of the WebLogic Server. If the DefaultFileName is set to welcome.html, a http request like "http://somehost/weblogic" will become "http://somehost/weblogic/welcome.html". For this parameter to function, the same file must be specified in the weblogic properties file. For example, in this case, the weblogic properties file must be set to weblogic.httpd.initArgs.file=defaultfilename=welcome.html.

"Debug" will log the following messages to c:\tmp\wlproxy.log on NT and /tmp/wlproxy.log on UNIX.

--All headers coming in from the client/browser
--All headers sent to WebLogic
--All headers returned by WebLogic
--All headers returned back to the browser/client
--Dynamic Cluster List
--Connection info
--Other informational, warning and error messages

The default value is set to "OFF".

This parameter is used to enable the magic query parameter "__WebLogicBridgeConfig". This is used to get details about configuration parameters from the plugin.

For example, if you enable "__WebLogicBridgeConfig" by setting DebugConfigInfo=ON and then send a request like:, then the plug-in will gather the configuration information and return it back to the browser. Note that it will not connect to the WebLogic Server in this case.

This parameter is strictly for debugging and the format of the output message can change with releases. For security purposes it is advised to keep this parameter turned OFF in production systems.

HungServerRecoverSecs =seconds
This implementation takes care of the hung or unresponsive servers in the cluster. The plug-in waits for HungServerRecoverSecs for the server to respond and then declares that server dead, failing over to the next server. The minimum value for this setting is 10 and the maximum value is 600. The default is set at 300. It should be set to a very large value. If it is less than the time the servlets take to process, then you will see unexpected results.

Idempotent =ON/OFF
This is a URL level flag. By default it will be "ON". This means that if the servers do not respond within HungServerRecoverSecs, the plug-ins will failover. If set to "OFF" the plug-ins will not failover. It can be set differently for different URL's or Mime types.

Notes on failover in a WebLogic Cluster when using NSAPI

In most configurations, if the NSAPI plug-in sends a request to the primary instance of a cluster while it is unavailable, the request will failover to the secondary instance. However, in some configurations that use combinations of firewalls and load-directors, it is possible that any one of the servers (firewall or load-directors) will accept the request (and return a successful connection) while the primary instance of WebLogic Server is unavailable. After attempting to direct the request to the primary instance of WebLogic Server (which is unavailable), the request will be returned to the NSAPI plug-in as "connection reset".

In configurations of WebLogic Server 4.5.2 or 4.5.1 with service pack 7 or greater, NSAPI requests running through combinations of firewalls (with or without load-directors) will be handled by the WebLogic Server. In other words, responses of "connection reset" will failover to a secondary instance of WebLogic Server. Because responses of "connection reset" will failover in theses configurations, servlets must be idempotent.

For example, if the primary instance of WebLogic Server goes down while processing a transaction, a "connection reset" message is returned to the NSAPI plug-in. The NSAPI plug-in will redirect that request to a second instance of WebLogic Server, where it will be executed again. This can result in duplicate processing of transactions if servlets are not idempotent.

In configurations of Weblogic Server 4.5.1 with service pack 6 or lower, NSAPI requests returning a response of "connection reset" will not failover. This protects against duplicate transactions of non-idempotent servlets, but may not provide failover in cases of combined firewalls and/or load-directors.

Sample obj.conf file (not using a WebLogic Cluster)

Below is an example of lines which should be added to the obj.conf file if you are not using a cluster. You can use this example as a template that you can modify to suit your environment and server. Lines beginning with '#' are comments.

You can read the full documentation on Enterprise Server configuration files at Netscape.

## ------------- BEGIN SAMPLE OBJ.CONF CONFIGURATION  ---------
# (no cluster)
# The following line locates the NSAPI library for loading at
# startup, and identifies which functions within the library are
# NSAPI functions.  Verify the path to the library (the value
# of the shlib=<...> parameter) and that the file is
# readable, or the server will fail to start.

Init fn="load-modules" funcs="wl-proxy,wl-init"\
Init fn="wl-init"

# Configure which types of HTTP requests should be handled by the
# NSAPI module (and, in turn, by WebLogic).  This is done 
# with one or more "<Object>" tags as shown below. 

# Here we configure the NSAPI module to pass requests for
# "/weblogic" to a WebLogic Server listening at port 7001 on
# the host

<Object name="weblogic" ppath="*/weblogic/*">
Service fn=wl-proxy\
  WebLogicPort=7001 PathTrim="/weblogic"

# Here we configure the plug-in so that requests that
# match "/servletimages/" will be handled by the
# plug-in/WebLogic.

<Object name="si" ppath="*/servletimages/*">
Service fn=wl-proxy WebLogicHost= WebLogicPort=7001

# This Object directive works by file extension rather than
# request path. To use this configuration, you must also add
# a line to the mime.types file:
# type=text/jsp             exts=jsp
# This configuration means that any file with the extension
# ".jsp" will be proxied to WebLogic. Then you must add the
# Service line for this extension to the Object "default",
# which should already exist in your obj.conf file:

<Object name=default>
NameTrans fn=pfx2dir from=/ns-icons\
NameTrans fn=pfx2dir from=/mc-icons\
NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/help" dir=\
NameTrans fn=document-root root="c:/Netscape/SuiteSpot/docs"
Service method="(GET|HEAD|POST|PUT)" type=text/jsp fn=wl-proxy\
  WebLogicHost=localhost WebLogicPort=7001 PathPrepend=/jspfiles
PathCheck fn=nt-uri-clean
PathCheck fn="check-acl" acl="default"
PathCheck fn=find-pathinfo
PathCheck fn=find-index index-names="index.html,home.html"
ObjectType fn=type-by-extension
ObjectType fn=force-type type=text/plain
Service method=(GET|HEAD) type=magnus-internal/imagemap fn=imagemap
Service method=(GET|HEAD) \
  type=magnus-internal/directory fn=index-common
Service method=(GET|HEAD) type=*~magnus-internal/* fn=send-file
AddLog fn=flex-log name="access"

# The following directive enables HTTP-tunneling of the 
# WebLogic protocol through the NSAPI plug-in.

<Object name="tunnel" ppath="*/HTTPClnt*">
Service fn=wl-proxy WebLogicHost= WebLogicPort=7001

## ------------- END SAMPLE OBJ.CONF CONFIGURATION ---------

Sample obj.conf file (using a WebLogic Cluster)

Below is an example of lines which should be added to obj.conf if you are using a WebLogic Cluster. You can use this example as a template that you can modify to suit your environment and server. Lines beginning with '#' are comments.

You can read the full documentation on Enterprise Server configuration files at Netscape.

## ------------- BEGIN SAMPLE OBJ.CONF CONFIGURATION ---------
# (using a WebLogic Cluster) 
# The following line locates the NSAPI library for loading at
# startup, and identifies which functions within the library are
# NSAPI functions.  Verify the path to the library (the value
# of the shlib=<...> parameter) and that the file is
# readable, or the server will fail to start.

Init fn="load-modules" funcs="wl-proxy,wl-init"\
Init fn="wl-init"

# Configure which types of HTTP requests should be handled by the
# NSAPI module (and, in turn, by WebLogic).  This is done 
# with one or more "<Object>" tags as shown below. 

# Here we configure the NSAPI module to pass requests for
# "/weblogic" to a cluster of WebLogic Servers.

<Object name="weblogic" ppath="*/weblogic/*">
Service fn=wl-proxy  \
WebLogicCluster=",," PathTrim="/weblogic"

# Here we configure the plug-in so that requests that
# match "/servletimages/" will be handled by the
# plug-in/WebLogic.

<Object name="si" ppath="*/servletimages/*">
Service fn=wl-proxy WebLogicCluster=",,"

# This Object directive works by file extension rather than
# request path. To use this configuration, you must also add
# a line to the mime.types file:
# type=text/jsp             exts=jsp
# This configuration means that any file with the extension
# ".jsp" will be proxied to WebLogic. Then you must add the
# Service line for this extension to the Object "default",
# which should already exist in your obj.conf file:

<Object name=default>
NameTrans fn=pfx2dir from=/ns-icons\
NameTrans fn=pfx2dir from=/mc-icons\
NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/help" dir=\
NameTrans fn=document-root root="c:/Netscape/SuiteSpot/docs"
Service method="(GET|HEAD|POST|PUT)" type=text/jsp fn=wl-proxy\
  WebLogicCluster=",,"  PathPrepend=/jspfiles
PathCheck fn=nt-uri-clean
PathCheck fn="check-acl" acl="default"
PathCheck fn=find-pathinfo
PathCheck fn=find-index index-names="index.html,home.html"
ObjectType fn=type-by-extension
ObjectType fn=force-type type=text/plain
Service method=(GET|HEAD) type=magnus-internal/imagemap fn=imagemap
Service method=(GET|HEAD) \
  type=magnus-internal/directory fn=index-common
Service method=(GET|HEAD) type=*~magnus-internal/* fn=send-file
AddLog fn=flex-log name="access"

# The following directive enables HTTP-tunneling of the 
# WebLogic protocol through the NSAPI plug-in.

<Object name="tunnel" ppath="*/HTTPClnt*">
Service fn=wl-proxy WebLogicCluster=",\,"

## ------------- END SAMPLE OBJ.CONF CONFIGURATION ---------

Change history

Release 4.5

A new init function is required in the obj.conf file. You will need to modify the line beginning with Init fn = "load-modules" to include the text shown below in red AND add the final line shown in red.
Init fn = "load-modules" funcs="wl-proxy,wl-init" \
 shlib=(path to your shared library)
Init fn="wl-init"

Release 4.0.3

Due to bugs we have encountered using NSAPI with Netscape Enterprise Server on AIX, all communication on the AIX platform from the proxy to the WebLogic Server is synchronized and thus single threaded. Multi-threaded communication on the AIX platform through the NSAPI plug-in is available in WebLogic 4.5.2 and 4.5.1 with service pack 2 and above.

Release 4.0.2

Fixed a problem with the NSAPI plug-in proxying JSP via http sessions persisted with JDBC.

Fixed a problem when using the NSAPI plug-in with Netscape FastTrack Server on NT.

Release 4.0.1

Fixed a bug in the NSAPI Solaris .so that was causing the proxy to hang intermittently.

Release 4.0.0

Added functionality for simple load-balancing. The configuration information for both can now take an additional parameter, "WebLogicCluster," the value of which is a comma-delimited list of host:port entries, for example ",,". The plug-ins will do simple round-robining between all available cluster members (in this release there is static support only, no dynamic updating of the cluster list is done). When a member cannot be reached it is marked as "bad" (but is not forgotten), and another member is tried instead; after 10 skips, the member is tried again, and if successful, its status is changed.

Changed some configuration parameter names for the NSAPI obj.conf and ISAPI iisproxy.ini files from "Tengah" to "WebLogic". This should not require changes in your code, although we do recommend that you update your development environment. As always, changes are backwards compatible.

The name of the NSAPI .dll for NT, proxy.dll, has been changed to reflect version compatibility with Netscape Enterprise Server. We now have proxy30.dll for Netscape Enterprise Server 3.0.x on NT, proxy35.dll for Netscape Enterprise Server 3.5.x on NT, and proxy36.dll for Netscape Enterprise Server 3.6.x on NT. The .dlls are located in the bin/ directory of the distribution. (No change for Solaris.)

Release 3.1

First release.
Added headers:
  • "Proxy-Client-IP: IP number"
  • "Proxy-Path-Translated", the translated path as the NSAPI module sees it
  • "Proxy-Path-Translated-Base", the document root of the Enterprise server
For example, you now have access to information like this:
Proxy-Path-Translated /disk2/netscape/ent351/docs/myserver/foo/bar.html
Proxy-Path-Translated-Base /disk2/netscape/ent351/docs

Also added support for stat() on the Proxy-Path-Translated.

Added support for AIX. (NSAPI support on AIX is not as robust as on Solaris and NT.) Because of bugs encountered using NSAPI with Netscape Enterprise Server on AIX, communications between the proxy and WebLogic Server are synchronized. This means that NSAPI is effectively single-threaded on AIX, allowing just one access at a time.


Copyright © 2000 BEA Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Required browser: Netscape 4.0 or higher, or Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher.
Last updated 06/24/1999