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   Using WebLogic Server Clusters:   Previous topic   |   Next topic   |   Contents   |  Index





This document provides a basic task list for configuring a WebLogic Cluster, and describes how to start WebLogic Servers within the cluster.

Obtain a Cluster-Enabled License for WebLogic Server
Obtain an IP Address for each Server to be Started in the Cluster
Obtain a Multicast Address for Intra-Cluster Communications
Determine The Server Connection Port
Install WebLogic Server into a (Shared) File System in the Cluster
Customize WebLogic Server for a Cluster
Create and Customize a Startup Script for each Server in the Cluster
Start the Individual Servers in the Cluster

Obtain a Cluster-Enabled License for WebLogic Server

openlink ../techstart/license.html:xml ">The standard download of WebLogic Server does not include the clustering enabled license. Please contact your sales representative to obtain a WebLogic Cluster license For more information on WebLogic Server licenses read Installing a WebLogic license.

Obtain an IP Address for each Server to be Started in the Cluster

Each WebLogic Server requires a unique IP address, even if multiple servers are run on a single machine. Obtain an IP address for each WebLogic Server to be started on each machine in the cluster. (For instance, if you want to start 2 WebLogic servers on each of three machines in the cluster, you will need 6 IP addresses.) The IP address is specified as the value for the weblogic.system.bindAddr command line parameter that starts the individual WebLogic servers within the cluster. For example: java -ms32m -mx32m Ö -Dweblogic.system.bindAddr= Ö weblogic.Server

The DNS name assigned to the each IP address on the server can be used to replace the raw IP addresses in the command line parameter. This parameter can also be set in the server specific properties file, and is not necessary to start the server on machines that are not multi-homed.

Obtain a Multicast Address for Intra-Cluster Communications

Determine a multicast address to be used for communication between WebLogic servers in the cluster. The range of valid multicast addresses is to It is recommended that selection of the multicast address be coordinated through your system administration group so that conflicts with other programs or clusters using the same multicast and port combination do not arise. The multicast address is specified on the command line when starting the individual WebLogic servers in the cluster. For example: java Ö -Dweblogic.system.bindAddr= -Dweblogic.cluster.multicastAddress= Ö weblogic.Server

The multicast address can also be specified in the server specific properties file. The DNS name for the cluster is normally used in place of the multicast address in the properties file or on the command line.

For more information regarding the DNS naming service see Setting up the Network.

Determine The Server Connection Port

Determine The TCP/IP port number at which the WebLogic Server listens for connections (the default is 7001). The TCP/IP port number is used as the listenPort, a core system WebLogic Server property that should be set in the top-level file. For example:
#TCP/IP Port number at which the WebLogic Server listens for connections

The listen port is used in conjunction with the bindAddr and the multicastAddress. With the settings specified above, you will get the following:
The server listens for new connections on and it listens for cluster messages on

Install WebLogic Server into a (Shared) File System in the Cluster

The simplest way to ensure that all servers in a cluster are running the same software is to use a shared file system. To do this,

Customize WebLogic Server for a Cluster

Once WebLogic server software is installed on the shared file system:

For additional information about the cluster and server specific properties files please see Setting up the WebLogic Cluster.

Create and Customize a Startup Script for each Server in the Cluster

Copy /<weblogic_install>/ (or .cmd) to /<weblogic_install>/ (.cmd) for each WebLogic server you wish to start in the cluster. Add the following parameters to each startup script to enable clustering:

Here are two examples of modified startup scripts for individual servers:

D:\Releases\451>tail -4 D:\Releases\451\startWL1.cmd %JDK_HOME%\bin\java -ms32m -mx48m -classpath %JAVACLASSPATH% -Dweblogic.cluster.multicastAddress= -Dweblogic.cluster.enable=true -Dweblogic.system.bindAddr= -Dweblogic.class.path=%WEBLOGICCLASSPATH% weblogic.Server :finish


D:\Releases\451>tail -4 D:\Releases\451\startWL2.cmd %JDK_HOME%\bin\java -ms32m -mx48m -classpath %JAVACLASSPATH% -Dweblogic.cluster.multicastAddress= -Dweblogic.cluster.enable=true -Dweblogic.system.bindAddr= -Dweblogic.class.path=%WEBLOGICCLASSPATH% weblogic.Server :finish

Start the Individual Servers in the Cluster

On each machine in the cluster, use the customized startup scripts to start the individual WebLogic servers. Upon successful startup of a WebLogic server in a cluster you will see a message similar to :

Joined Cluster mycluster at address

where is an example of a multicastAddress specified on the weblogic.Server startup command line.