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Class examples.cluster.ejb.teller.TellerException


public class TellerException
extends Exception
This class is used with the examples.cluster.ejb.teller package. TellerException is thrown if an error occurs while performing a transaction.

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Constructor Index

 o TellerException()
Constructs exceptions without a specified string.
 o TellerException(Exception)
Constructs the appropriate exception from the message of the specified exception.
 o TellerException(String)
Constructs the appropriate exception with the specified string.


 o TellerException
 public TellerException()
Constructs exceptions without a specified string.

 o TellerException
 public TellerException(String message)
Constructs the appropriate exception with the specified string.

message - Exception message
 o TellerException
 public TellerException(Exception e)
Constructs the appropriate exception from the message of the specified exception.

message - String Exception e

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