All Examples 

COM examples

about these examples

Using the Microsoft JVM (JView), it is possible to export Java business objects as COM objects. Using the WebLogic COM compiler, users can automatically wrap their COM business components with Java objects that can be remotely accessed as WebLogic RMI objects within the WebLogic framework. This functionality helps to eliminate the integration barriers between heterogeneous server-side objects and the broad array of client environments.

The VBClient example demonstrates how you can invoke and operate on a Java object (EJB) from a COM (Visual Basic) client.

The ServerSideDLLClient example illustrates how you can use the WebLogic COM compiler to generate Java wrapper classes for a server-side COM object, in this case a simple DLL. The generated class is then deployed and remotely accessed from a Java client.

how to use these examples

  1. Read the instructions for each example, found at the links above.
  2. Build each example following the examples instructions.
  3. Start the WebLogic Server.
  4. Run the example.

there's more . . .

Read the Developers Guide for this WebLogic COM, Using WebLogic COM.

Copyright © 1997-1999 BEA Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Last updated 06/01/1999