All Examples

package examples.dbkona

Class Index

about this package

This package contains several simple, standalone examples for how to carry out queries, how to retrieve records, how to use an Oracle ROWID as a key, and how to set up a sequence with dbKona.

Also included are two small applications that shows you how to use a dbKona EventfulTableDataSet. With an EventfulTableDataSet, every client using a particular table (that is, that has created a EventfulTableDataSet from a particular database table) registers an interest in each Record in the TableDataSet. When any client changes a Record, the change is saved to the database and at the same time, all the clients with EventfulTableDataSets of that table are notified of the Record that changed. The EventMessage actually contains an updated copy of the Record, which is used to update each client's TableDataSet. EventfulTableDataSets are a fast, efficient way to display realtime dynamic data with applet/application clients.

how to use this package

In general, you'll need to adjust certain database properties in each example to match your database setup. The examples use the "emp" table in the Oracle database DEMO that is usually installed with your Oracle installation. You can substitute another database, but you must change the database-specific properties in each example to connect to and work with that database. (We ship the SQL for the "emp" table in the file "emp.sql" in the examples/applets directory.) If you need more information than is provided in the Java files about how to connect to your database, read the instructions in the Developers Guide for the jdbcKona drivers.

Instructions for compiling and running these examples are on each of the pages listed at the top of this document.

The EventfulList and EventfulListClient examples require a running WebLogic Server.

there's more

Read more about dbKona in the Developer Guide, Using dbKona. There is also lots of documentation for WebLogic's JDBC drivers and WebLogic Events available from the Documentation contents page.