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Class examples.ejb.basic.statefulSession.TraderBean


public class TraderBean
extends Object
implements SessionBean
TraderBean is a stateful SessionBean. This EJBean illustrates:

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Variable Index

 o traderName
 o tradingBalance

Constructor Index

 o TraderBean()

Method Index

 o buy(String, String, int)
Buys shares of a stock for a named customer.
 o ejbActivate()
This method is required by the EJB Specification, but is not used by this example.
 o ejbCreate(String)
This method corresponds to the create method in the home interface "".
 o ejbPassivate()
This method is required by the EJB Specification, but is not used by this example.
 o ejbRemove()
This method is required by the EJB Specification, but is not used by this example.
 o getBalance()
Returns the current balance of a trading session.
 o getDatabaseName()
Returns the JDBC pool name.
 o getStockPrice(String)
Returns the stock price for a given stock.
 o getTradeLimit()
Returns the trading limit.
 o getTraderName()
Returns the name of this Trader.
 o sell(String, String, int)
Sells shares of a stock for a named customer.
 o setSessionContext(SessionContext)
Sets the session context.


 o traderName
 public String traderName
 o tradingBalance
 public double tradingBalance


 o TraderBean
 public TraderBean()


 o ejbActivate
 public void ejbActivate()
This method is required by the EJB Specification, but is not used by this example.

 o ejbRemove
 public void ejbRemove()
This method is required by the EJB Specification, but is not used by this example.

 o ejbPassivate
 public void ejbPassivate()
This method is required by the EJB Specification, but is not used by this example.

 o setSessionContext
 public void setSessionContext(SessionContext ctx)
Sets the session context.

ctx - SessionContext Context for session
 o ejbCreate
 public void ejbCreate(String traderName)
This method corresponds to the create method in the home interface "". The parameter sets of the two methods are identical. When the client calls TraderHome.create(), the container allocates an instance of the EJBean and calls ejbCreate().

traderName - String Trader Name
See Also:
 o buy
 public TradeResult buy(String customerName,
                        String stockSymbol,
                        int shares) throws ProcessingErrorException
Buys shares of a stock for a named customer.

customerName - String Customer name
stockSymbol - String Stock symbol
shares - int Number of shares to buy
TradeResult Trade Result
Throws: ProcessingErrorException
if there is an error while buying the shares
 o sell
 public TradeResult sell(String customerName,
                         String stockSymbol,
                         int shares) throws ProcessingErrorException
Sells shares of a stock for a named customer.

customerName - String Customer name
stockSymbol - String Stock symbol
shares - int Number of shares to buy
TradeResult Trade Result
Throws: ProcessingErrorException
if there is an error while selling the shares
 o getTraderName
 public String getTraderName()
Returns the name of this Trader.

String traderName
 o getBalance
 public double getBalance()
Returns the current balance of a trading session.

double Balance
 o getTradeLimit
 public int getTradeLimit()
Returns the trading limit.

int Trading limit
 o getDatabaseName
 public String getDatabaseName()
Returns the JDBC pool name.

String JDBC pool name
 o getStockPrice
 public double getStockPrice(String stockSymbol) throws ProcessingErrorException
Returns the stock price for a given stock.

stockSymbol - String Stock symbol
double Stock price
Throws: ProcessingErrorException
if there is an error while checking the price

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