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Class examples.ejb.subclass.child.ChildBean


public class ChildBean
extends ParentBean
implements SessionBean
ChildBean is a stateless SessionBean. This bean illustrates:

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Constructor Index

 o ChildBean()

Method Index

 o callParentBean()
Looks up a ParentBean and calls its parentMethodOnly().
 o childSaysHello()
Returns a message identifying the method.
 o parentSaysHello()
Returns a message identifying the method.


 o ChildBean
 public ChildBean()


 o childSaysHello
 public String childSaysHello()
Returns a message identifying the method. This method is unique to the Child bean.

String Message
 o parentSaysHello
 public String parentSaysHello()
Returns a message identifying the method. This method is inherited and overloaded by the Child bean.

String Message
parentSaysHello in class ParentBean
 o callParentBean
 public String callParentBean() throws RemoteException
Looks up a ParentBean and calls its parentMethodOnly(). Returns a message identifying the method.

String Message
Throws: RemoteException
if there is a communications or systems failure

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