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Class examples.event.clientside.client1


public class client1
extends Object
implements ActionDef
This class demonstrates an action that notifies the client that the evaluator for its registration returned true; that is, client-side notification of an event. The main() in this class sends a series of stock events to the WebLogic Server; the evaluate() method for the registration is executed on the WebLogic Server. The Action object that is part of the registration calls back to the client who made the registration.

Copyright (c) 1996-98 by WebLogic, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 1999 by BEA Systems. All Rights Reserved.

Constructor Index

 o client1()

Method Index

 o action(EventMessageDef)
Action method.
 o generateEvent(int)
Generates a stock event for illustrating client-side notification.
 o main(String[])
Main allows this to be called from the command line.
 o registerInit(ParamSet)
Registers initialization parameters for the action.
 o setServices(T3ServicesDef)
Sets the services object.


 o client1
 public client1()


 o setServices
 public void setServices(T3ServicesDef services)
Sets the services object. The services object allows access to services within the WebLogic Server, like the WebLogic Event Services used in this example.

 o registerInit
 public void registerInit(ParamSet p)
Registers initialization parameters for the action.

p - ParamSet for initialization
 o action
 public void action(EventMessageDef ev)
Action method. Called when an event of interest delivered to the evaluate() method returns true.

ev - EventMessage
 o generateEvent
 public static void generateEvent(int count)
Generates a stock event for illustrating client-side notification.

count - Count for this event
 o main
 public static void main(String argv[]) throws Exception
Main allows this to be called from the command line. String argv is the WebLogic Server URL.

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