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Class examples.htmlkona.HelloWorld


public class HelloWorld
extends HttpServlet
This example demonstrates the creation of a simple servlet with htmlKona that displays an HTML page when invoked from a Java-enabled server. This page displays "Hello world!"

To run this example, edit the file to set local environment names and variables. Then compile this directory, register the servlets in your T3Server's file, and use a URL to invoke the servlet. There are more instructions on setting up the WebLogic Server as an HTTP server and registering servlets in the WebLogic Server Administrator's Guide, Setting up the WebLogic Server as an HTTP server

Copyright (c) 1996-97 by WebLogic, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Constructor Index

 o HelloWorld()

Method Index

 o service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse)
The service method is where the real work is done in a HTTP servlet.


 o HelloWorld
 public HelloWorld()


 o service
 public synchronized void service(HttpServletRequest req,
                                  HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException
The service method is where the real work is done in a HTTP servlet. In this method, we set the page type, and then construct the page with htmlKona components. Finally, we call the output() method with the results of the HttpServletResponse.getOutputStream() method.

req - HttpServletRequest object
res - HttpServletResponse object
Throws: IOException
if there is a transfer error
service in class HttpServlet

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