All Examples  This Package

Class examples.jdbc.informix4.sprocs


public class sprocs
This simple example shows how to create and execute a stored procedure using an INFORMIX On-Line DBMS using JDBC.

To set up this example:

  1. Set up your development shell as described in Package examples.jdbc.informix4.

  2. Change connection parameters to correspond to your Informix Dynamic Server configuration. If you need more help, check the section on connecting to a database in the Developers Guide, Using jdbcKona/Informix4.

  3. Compile this example by executing the following command in your development shell:

    $ javac -d c:/weblogic/informix4/classes

  4. Run this example by executing the following command in your development shell:

    $ java examples.jdbc.informix4.sprocs

    The program waits after displaying output and requires you to press enter to continue.

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Constructor Index

 o sprocs()

Method Index

 o main(String[])
Runs the example from the command line.


 o sprocs
 public sprocs()


 o main
 public static void main(String argv[]) throws Exception
Runs the example from the command line.

All Examples  This Package