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Interface examples.jolt.ejb.bankapp.Teller

public interface Teller
extends EJBObject
The methods in this interface are the public face of TellerBean. The signatures of the methods are identical to those of the EJBean, except that these methods throw a java.rmi.RemoteException. Note that the EJBean does not implement this interface. The corresponding code-generated EJBObject, TellerBeanE, implements this interface and delegates to the bean.

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Method Index

 o balance(int)
Returns the current balance for an Account.
 o begin()
Begins a transaction.
 o commit()
Commits the current transaction.
 o deposit(int, double)
Deposits amount in account.
 o getTellerName()
Returns the name of this Teller.
 o rollback()
Rolls back the current transaction.
 o withdraw(int, double)
Withdraws amount from account.


 o deposit
 public abstract TellerResult deposit(int accountNumber,
                                      double amount) throws ProcessingErrorException, TransactionErrorException, RemoteException
Deposits amount in account.

accountNumber - int Account number
amount - double Amount to deposit
TellerResult Trade result
Throws: ProcessingErrorException
if there is an error making the deposit
Throws: TransactionErrorException
if there is an error making the deposit
Throws: RemoteException
if there is a communications or systems failure
See Also:
 o withdraw
 public abstract TellerResult withdraw(int accountNumber,
                                       double amount) throws ProcessingErrorException, TransactionErrorException, RemoteException
Withdraws amount from account.

accountNumber - int Account number
amount - double Amount to withdraw
TellerResult Trade result
Throws: ProcessingErrorException
if there is an error making the withdrawl
Throws: TransactionErrorException
if there is an error making the withdrawl
Throws: RemoteException
if there is a communications or systems failure
See Also:
 o balance
 public abstract TellerResult balance(int accountNumber) throws ProcessingErrorException, TransactionErrorException, RemoteException
Returns the current balance for an Account.

accountNumber - int Account number
TellerResult Trade result
Throws: ProcessingErrorException
if there is an error retrieving the balance
Throws: TransactionErrorException
if there is an error retrieving the balance
Throws: RemoteException
if there is a communications or systems failure
See Also:
 o getTellerName
 public abstract String getTellerName() throws RemoteException
Returns the name of this Teller.

String Teller Name
Throws: RemoteException
if there is a communications or systems failure
 o begin
 public abstract void begin() throws TransactionErrorException, RemoteException
Begins a transaction. If the bean already has a transaction, it is used and a new one is not started.

TellerResult Trade result
Throws: TransactionErrorException
if there is an error beginning the transaction
Throws: RemoteException
if there is a communications or systems failure
 o commit
 public abstract void commit() throws TransactionErrorException, RemoteException
Commits the current transaction.

TellerResult Trade result
Throws: TransactionErrorException
if there is an error committing the transaction or there is no transaction to commit
Throws: RemoteException
if there is a communications or systems failure
 o rollback
 public abstract void rollback() throws TransactionErrorException, RemoteException
Rolls back the current transaction.

TellerResult Trade result
Throws: TransactionErrorException
if there is an error rolling back the transaction or there is no transaction to rollback
Throws: RemoteException
if there is a communications or systems failure

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