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package examples.rmi.hello

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about this package

This package takes the simple "HelloWorld" RMI example that is supplied in the RMI distribution from Sun to illustrate how easy it is to convert your RMI classes to use WebLogic RMI.

In this package is the Remote interface "Hello," which is implemented by the "HelloImpl" class. The "HelloApplet" class invokes the Remote class from an applet client; you use the HTML file of the same name to call the applet.

Also included in this directory are build scripts for NT, Microsoft SDK for Java, and UNIX. The script compiles the files in this directory and runs the WebLogic RMI compiler on the implementation class.

There are detailed instructions on converting Sun RMI classes to use WebLogic RMI in the Developers Guide. The instructions here are brief and assume that you have or will look at the Developers Guide.

how to use this package

Configure the server:
  1. Register HelloImpl as a startup class in the file with the following property:
Build the example:
  1. Set up your development shell, as described in Setting up your environment.
  2. The build scripts are: Run the appropriate build script (build.cmd, for UNIX) as shown in this example for the JavaSoft JDK running on NT:
      $ build
  3. Copy the HelloApplet HTML file to a registered WebLogic document root. The HTML file is shipped with the CODEBASE attribute set to "classes" which is the virtual name for the ClassPathServlet. The ClassPathServlet serves classes from the CLASSPATH of the WebLogic Server.

    The classes used in this example are placed in the "/weblogic/myserver/serverclasses" directory, which you'll need to include in the classpath of the Server when you start the Server.

    If you move the classes to a different directory, you'll need to add that directory to the classpath of the Server before starting it.

    If you are having problems, see Troubleshooting CODEBASE.

Run the example:
  1. Start the WebLogic Server in a new command shell.
  2. Call the applet from a browser (make sure you don't have the WebLogic classes in your browser's CLASSPATH if you're calling the applet from the same machine that is hosting WebLogic). Use the URL for your WebLogic Server and the document root where you placed the HTML file, after the pattern:

    Host name of the WebLogic Server
    Port where the WebLogic Server is listening for connections (weblogic.system.ListenPort).

there's more . . .

Read more about this WebLogic service in the Developers Guide, Using WebLogic RMI.