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Class examples.rmi.stock.StockServer


public class StockServer
extends UnicastRemoteObject
implements StockWatch, Runnable
This class is used with the WebLogic RMI Stock examples package. The StockServer supplies information about stocks to its applet clients. It keeps a Vector of those stocks of interest to each of its clients, and it keeps a Vector of all those clients that have registered interest in stock changes. When a stock price changes, it notifies each client that has registered an interest in the change.

The classes in this package have been adapted to work with WebLogic RMI from WebLogic. To run this example, see the package description.

Author: Adapted 1997 by WebLogic, Inc.

Constructor Index

 o StockServer()
Constructs the stock server.

Method Index

 o cancel(String, StockNotify)
Cancels request for stock updates for a particular stock.
 o cancelAll(StockNotify)
Cancels all requests for stock updates for the remote object.
 o list(StockNotify)
Returns an array of stock update information for the stocks already registered by the remote object, or null if the object is not watching any stocks.
 o main(String[])
Starts up the stock server.
 o run()
The run method (called from the notifier thread) sends out stock updates periodically to those remote objects that have registered interest in being notified.
 o watch(String, StockNotify)
Requests notification of stock updates.


 o StockServer
 public StockServer() throws RemoteException
Constructs the stock server.

Throws: RemoteException
if remote object cannot be exported


 o watch
 public synchronized Stock watch(String stock,
                                 StockNotify obj) throws StockNotFoundException
Requests notification of stock updates.

stock - Stock name
obj - Remote object to be notified
Latest update of the stock
Throws: StockNotFoundException
if stock is not known
 o cancel
 public void cancel(String stock,
                    StockNotify obj)
Cancels request for stock updates for a particular stock.

stock - Stock name
obj - Remote object canceling the notification
 o list
 public Stock[] list(StockNotify obj)
Returns an array of stock update information for the stocks already registered by the remote object, or null if the object is not watching any stocks.

obj - Remote object
List of stocks, or null
 o cancelAll
 public synchronized void cancelAll(StockNotify obj)
Cancels all requests for stock updates for the remote object.

obj - Remote object canceling the request
 o run
 public void run()
The run method (called from the notifier thread) sends out stock updates periodically to those remote objects that have registered interest in being notified.

 o main
 public static void main(String args[])
Starts up the stock server. In the original example, it also created a registry so that the StockApplet could lookup the server. In WebLogic RMI, the registry is created and maintained by the WebLogic Server; a call to create a registry merely finds the appropriate running registry.

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