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public class RdbmsUserInfo
extends Object
implements UserInfo
Class RdbmsUserInfo is a trivial implementation of UserInfo. For security, the password is private and only checks for equality. Overall the security is weak because the serialization contains the clear-text password.

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Variable Index

 o id
 o realmName

Constructor Index

 o RdbmsUserInfo()
Constructs a RdbmsUserInfo.
 o RdbmsUserInfo(String, String, String)

Method Index

 o getName()
Gets the name associated with a DefaultUserInfo.
 o getRealmName()
Gets the name of the realm associated with a DefaultUserInfo.
 o readObject(WLObjectInput)
Reads a RdbmsUserInfo object from the specified WebLogic object input stream.
 o writeObject(WLObjectOutput)
Writes a RdbmsUserInfo object to the specified WebLogic object output stream.


 o id
 protected String id
 o realmName
 protected String realmName


 o RdbmsUserInfo
 public RdbmsUserInfo(String name,
                      String password,
                      String realmName)
 o RdbmsUserInfo
 public RdbmsUserInfo()
Constructs a RdbmsUserInfo. For serialization only.


 o getRealmName
 public String getRealmName()
Gets the name of the realm associated with a DefaultUserInfo.

Name of realm as a string
 o getName
 public String getName()
Gets the name associated with a DefaultUserInfo.

Name of this user
 o writeObject
 public void writeObject(WLObjectOutput dos) throws IOException
Writes a RdbmsUserInfo object to the specified WebLogic object output stream.

dos - WLObjectOutput stream
Throws: IOException
if there is an I/O error
 o readObject
 public void readObject(WLObjectInput dis) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
Reads a RdbmsUserInfo object from the specified WebLogic object input stream.

dis - WLObjectInput stream
Throws: IOException
if there is an I/O error
Throws: ClassNotFoundException
if the DefaultUserInfo cannot be found or read

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