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public class Client
extends Object
This example demonstrates how the classes in can be used to implement a snoop-proof authentication scheme. You will see a time-trace output indicating successful authentication and an authentication exception for repeated login attempts in the following minute.

See for instructions on building and running this example.

The authentication in this example is snoop-proof even though the client has the password in clear text. The UserInfo implementation serializes the password as the MD5 of it and the current time. On the server, the corresponding realm checks the user info by comparing MD5 digests for the current and previous time period. As protection against replay, there can be only one successful authentication per time period.

This example contains several print statements for illustration and debugging.

Copyright (c) 1997-1999 by BEA Systems. All Rights Reserved.

Constructor Index

 o Client()

Method Index

 o main(String[])
Creates a T3Client with snoop-proof authentication and performs a trivial ping on it.


 o Client
 public Client()


 o main
 public static void main(String args[])
Creates a T3Client with snoop-proof authentication and performs a trivial ping on it.

Takes as optional arguments the username, password, and WebLogic server URL. They default to "system," "gumby999," and "t3://localhost:7001."

All Examples  This Package