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public class SnoopProofRealm
extends BasicRealmDelegator
SnoopProofRealm delegates most operations to some other realm, but implements authentication by comparing MD5 digests of the present and previous period, and prevents repeated success with the same credential.

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Constructor Index

 o SnoopProofRealm()
Default constructor.

Method Index

 o getUser(UserInfo)
Checks user info against digests based the current and previous minute.
 o init(String, Object)
Initializes the realm.
 o load(String, Object)
Loads the SnoopProof realm, which has the effect of setting up the proxy as the delegate for other names.
 o main(String[])
Constructs a SnoopProofRealm instance for the indicated realm and realm password and creates a Syncer as a simple time service.


 o SnoopProofRealm
 public SnoopProofRealm()
Default constructor.


 o main
 public static void main(String args[])
Constructs a SnoopProofRealm instance for the indicated realm and realm password and creates a Syncer as a simple time service.

 o init
 public void init(String name,
                  Object credential) throws NotOwnerException
Initializes the realm.

init in class BasicRealmDelegator
 o getUser
 public User getUser(UserInfo userInfo)
Checks user info against digests based the current and previous minute.

getUser in class BasicRealmDelegator
 o load
 public void load(String name,
                  Object credential) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException, NotOwnerException
Loads the SnoopProof realm, which has the effect of setting up the proxy as the delegate for other names.

load in class BasicRealmDelegator

All Examples  This Package