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public class SnoopProofUserInfo
extends Object
implements UserInfo, WLSerializable
SnoopProofUserInfo creates a digest based on the password and the current server time as part of its writeObject method. It obtains the time difference for the server from the SnoopProofProxy.

Copyright (c) 1997-1999 by BEA Systems. All Rights Reserved.

Variable Index

 o millisPerMinute
Sets a static variable for milliseconds in a minute.

Constructor Index

 o SnoopProofUserInfo()
Default constructor (used for serialization).

Method Index

 o asMinutes(long)
Rounds milliseconds to the nearest minute.
 o crypt(long, String)
Creates a digest of the seed and password.
 o getName()
Gets the name associated with the user info.
 o getRealmName()
Gets the realm name associated with the user info.
 o readObject(WLObjectInput)
Reads the name, realm name, and password digest.
 o writeObject(WLObjectOutput)
Writes the name and realm name and a digest for the password.


 o millisPerMinute
 public static final long millisPerMinute
Sets a static variable for milliseconds in a minute.


 o SnoopProofUserInfo
 public SnoopProofUserInfo()
Default constructor (used for serialization).


 o asMinutes
 public static long asMinutes(long millis)
Rounds milliseconds to the nearest minute.

 o crypt
 public static byte[] crypt(long seed,
                            String password)
Creates a digest of the seed and password.

 o getName
 public String getName()
Gets the name associated with the user info.

 o getRealmName
 public String getRealmName()
Gets the realm name associated with the user info.

 o writeObject
 public void writeObject(WLObjectOutput out) throws IOException
Writes the name and realm name and a digest for the password. This is used for WebLogic serialization.

 o readObject
 public void readObject(WLObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
Reads the name, realm name, and password digest. This is used for WebLogic serialization.

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