All Examples  This Package

Class examples.servlets.MailServlet


public class MailServlet
extends HttpServlet
This simple servlet sends a form requesting a name and an email address. When form data is posted back from the browser, email is send to the address given using the name given.

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Constructor Index

 o MailServlet()

Method Index

 o getServletInfo()
Info about the servlet.
 o service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse)
Implements the HttpServlet service() method.


 o MailServlet
 public MailServlet()


 o service
 public synchronized void service(HttpServletRequest req,
                                  HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException
Implements the HttpServlet service() method. This uses an htmlKona FormServlet to take the user's input, which is formatted into an email message and posted.

service in class HttpServlet
 o getServletInfo
 public String getServletInfo()
Info about the servlet.

getServletInfo in class GenericServlet

All Examples  This Package