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Class examples.t3client.StartupTest


public class StartupTest
extends Object
implements T3StartupDef
StartupTest is a simple example of the use of the T3StartupDef interface for writing a startup class. Startup classes are specified in the file and are instantiated and executed at the time the WebLogic Server starts up.

This simple example prints out the value of the logString argument to the WebLogic log.

To run this example, first set the following properties by adding them to the file:

 weblogic.system.startupArgs.StartupTest=logString=SERVER STARTED
This example isn't run from the command line, but rather runs when the WebLogic Server starts. Register this startup class in the properties file and start your WebLogic Server. You'll see the results in the log file.

Copyright (c) 1996-99 by BEA WebXpress, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Constructor Index

 o StartupTest()
Default constructor.

Method Index

 o setServices(T3ServicesDef)
Sets the services stub.
 o startup(String, Hashtable)
The startup action belongs in this method.


 o StartupTest
 public StartupTest()
Default constructor. A default constructor is required of any class that implements weblogic.common.T3StartupDef.


 o setServices
 public void setServices(T3ServicesDef services)
Sets the services stub. The services stub provides runtime access to WebLogic services.

 o startup
 public String startup(String name,
                       Hashtable args) throws Exception
The startup action belongs in this method. The string argument specifies the virtual name of this class by which it is registered in the file, under the weblogic.system.startupClass property. The hashtable argument is a set of name-value pairs that are supplied to this method from the weblogic.system.startupArgs property.

name - Virtual name under which this class is registered
args - Set of name-value pairs of arguments for this method
Throws: Exception
if there is an error

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