All Examples 

package examples.time

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about this package

This package contains two applications that illustrate how to use timers in WebLogic. One is a client-side application, and the other uses a server-side timer. In both cases the triggered action is carried out by WebLogic Server.

how to use this package

  1. Set up your development environment as describe in Setting your development environment.

  2. Compile the file to your CLIENT_CLASSES directory, with a command like this one for Windows NT:
      $ javac -d %CLIENT_CLASSES%

  3. Compile the file to your SERVER_CLASSES directory, with a command like this one for Windows NT:
      $ javac -d %SERVER_CLASSES%

  4. Start WebLogic Server in your server shell.

  5. Run the examples from your development shell, with the URL of your WebLogic Server as an argument. Here's an example:
      $ java examples.time.ClientTimer t3://localhost:7001
      $ java examples.time.ServerTimer t3://localhost:7001

The ClientTimer example prints results in your development shell. The ServerTimer example prints results in the WebLogic Server log output.

there's more . . .

Read the Developers Guide for this API, Using WebLogic Time.

Copyright © 1997-1999 BEA Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Last updated 9/13/1998