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Using the WebLogic EJB Deployment Wizard

I. Introduction
How the EJB Deployment Wizard works

II. Using the Wizard
Opening and setting the EJB Deployment Wizard
Loading EJBeans
Main window
Options window
Configuration window
Creating a new deployment descriptor

III. Configuring EJBeans
Common properties
Access control
Control descriptors
Entity-specific properties
Entity environment
JDBC Finders
Session-specific properties
Reviewing the deployment descriptor settings
Specifying the tasks to complete
Completing tasks and deploying the EJBean

IV. Text file format and index
Format for text deployment descriptor files
Index of deployment descriptor properties

V. Change history

Other related documents
Overview of WebLogic Enterprise JavaBeans
Using WebLogic Enterprise JavaBeans
Designing a WebLogic EJB application

Example EJBeans

I. Introduction

The WebLogic EJB Deployment Wizard allows you to configure and deploy Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBeans) for use with your WebLogic server. You can use it to:

  • Examine existing EJBeans and their deployment descriptor's configurable properties
  • Modify the properties and save the changes to either an existing .jar, .ser or as a text file
  • Generate EJBean interface classes for a particular WebLogic environment

This document details how to use the WebLogic EJB Deployment Wizard. It also describes the parameters that can be set in a deployment descriptor and how to write deployment descriptors as text files that can be serialized with either the EJB Deployment Wizard or the WebLogic EJB utility program DDCreator.

An index (Index of deployment descriptor properties) lists all properties alphabetically.

Additional information on Enterprise JavaBeans can be found in Using WebLogic Enterprise JavaBeans, the Developers Guide that covers in general the Enterprise JavaBean service within WebLogic.

How the EJB Deployment Wizard works

Here are the basic steps for deploying an EJBean:

  1. Open the EJB Deployment Wizard
  2. Load an EJBean deployment descriptor: either a .jar, .ser or .txt (text) file
  3. Configure the EJBean deployment descriptor properties
  4. Review the deployment descriptor settings
  5. Specify the tasks to complete -- updating the descriptor, generating WebLogic interfaces, writing to a text or .ser file
  6. Complete the tasks
  7. Update your file and restart WebLogic for changes to take effect


II. Using the Wizard

Opening and setting the EJB Deployment Wizard

You can start the EJB Deployment Wizard by:
  • on Windows NT, using the Windows Start Menu item EJB Deployment Wizard or

  • After setting your development environment, you can invoke the Wizard at a command line with:
     $ java weblogic.EJBDeployWizard options
where options are:
Prints the help message
-s [DD source]
Starts with a particular deployment descriptor
-laf [basic | metal | motif | win]
Sets the look and feel of the wizard; defaults to system-native

An example of an EJB deployment using the Wizard is shown for container-managed persistence.


Loading EJBeans

Main window

When you start up the EJB Deployment Wizard, the first window that appears after the start-up window is the Main window. You use this window to load EJBeans into the Wizard; after that you can configure and deploy them.

The list shows all the EJBeans that the Wizard knows about, and their type and source file name. The Deployed column indicates if you have -- in the current session of using the Wizard -- used the Wizard to generate the interfaces for deployment.

You can add EJBeans to the list, either in the form of .jar, .ser or .txt (text) files. The Wizard will read the contents of a .jar file and load any EJBeans that it finds.

The buttons Add to list... and Remove from list... add and remove entries to the list. The contents of the list are retained between sessions. If a source file can't be found when the Wizard is started, a message will appear below the list and the entry removed from the list.

Clicking on a row in either in the EJB name or Source columns will show you the EJB class or the full path of the source in the message area below the list.

Options window

From the Main window's menu bar, you can select Edit ¬ Options to bring up the Options window:

You can specify:

  • the compiler to use for generating wrapper classes
  • any directories or .jar files that need to be added to the Java system classpath when either opening a deployment descriptor or when generating container classes
  • the location of the temporary, writable directory for use by the Wizard
  • under Display, set the colors used to show invalid, modified and valid information.

Configuration window

Selecting a deployment descriptor in the Main window and either double-clicking the row or clicking the Configure descriptor... button will open the Configuration window for that EJBean, allowing you to edit, generate interfaces and update it.

The Configuration window is a four page window, with buttons to switch between the different pages. You start on the first page, and proceed in order. You can cancel at any time, which will close the Configuration window.

  1. Configuration page

    This page has a tabbed display for setting the configurable properties of the EJBean.

  2. Review page

    You can review your settings of the configurable properties to make sure they're correct.

  3. Task specification page

    Specify which tasks you want the Wizard to complete.

  4. Task completion page

    The Wizard completes the tasks, and reports on its success or failure.

Creating a new deployment descriptor

The steps for creating a new deployment descriptor are slightly different than the ones for editing an existing descriptor.

You will need to have all of the files for your EJBean written and compiled before you create the deployment descriptor. That way, you can use the Wizard to check that you have entered all the classnames correctly.

You can start a new descriptor from either the File ¬ New descriptor... menu item or by pressing the New descriptor... button.

You will then be prompted to save the new descriptor. Save it as a .ser file in an appropriate location in your file hierarchy.

When you enter a class name, the label for the text entry area will appear in red until the class name matches that of a class in the classpath of the Deployment Wizard. When it matches, the label color will revert to black.

After have completed configuring the deployment descriptor, you will move to the next page, where you will review your configuration.

On the following page, you will set the the tasks to be completed. Make sure that the checkbox Update deployment descriptor is checked so that your configuration is saved when you generate the WebLogic interfaces for the EJBean.

You can then generate the interfaces. Once complete, do not forget to edit your file to complete the deployment of your new EJBean.


III. Configuring EJBeans

Common properties
Access control
Control descriptors
Entity-specific properties
Entity environment
JDBC Finders
Session-specific properties
To configure the different types of EJBean properties, a tabbed display is provided. The number of tabbed panels depends on whether you are editing an entity or session EJBean.

These next sections describe the different properties and their settings. As deployment descriptors can also be entered into a correctly configured text file and then loaded into the EJB Deployment Wizard, after each property's descriptive name is the equivalent name in italics that's to be used in a text file.

When you enter a class name, the label for the text entry area will appear in red until the class name matches that of a class in the classpath of the Deployment Wizard. When it matches, the label color will be black.

Many sections have scrolling lists containing either popdown menus or edit text fields to change the properties.

To popdown a menu in a scrolling list, double-click the text area. Items shown in italic in popdown lists are disabled; usually this is because only one of that item can be present in the list and that selection is already present.

To edit a text area in a scrolling list, double-click the text area. When you are finished editing in an edit text field, press the Enter key to end editing.

If you are creating a new deployment descriptor (as versus editing an existing one) see the section Creating a new deployment descriptor.

Common properties

Both entity and session EJBeans have a common set of configurable properties. The first five tabs deal with these:

EJBean (EntityDescriptor or SessionDescriptor)

Once the EJBean has been defined and saved, this tab has the name of the EJBean.

 EJB class (enterpriseBeanClassName)

The classname of the EJBean itself.

 Home interface class (homeInterfaceClassName)

The home interface implemented by a class generated by the EJB compiler (ejbc). See the property home classname (homeClassName) below to plug in your own home class.

 Remote interface class (remoteInterfaceClassName)

This interface is implemented by an "EJBObject", a wrapper class that is generated by the EJB compiler (ejbc). This wrapper interposes between a caller and the EJBean, and deals with concurrency, transactions and security. See the property EJBObject classname (ejbObjectClassName) below to plug in your own EJBObject class.

 EJB home name (beanHomeName)

The JNDI name of the EJBean.

 Reentrant transactions (isReentrant)

Either "true" or "false". If true, the same transaction is allowed to revisit an EJBean. If the EJBean does not support transactions or if a transaction is not active, a lock is taken out on behalf of the EJBObject. Session EJBeans cannot be reentrant; this property must be "false".

 There are entity specific and session specific properties for this section.

Access control (accessControlEntries)

Access control specifies security access control for the EJBean as a whole (under the DEFAULT entry), and can provide method-specific access control entries.

Names in the entries should represent role names. As per the JavaSoft EJB specification, you should not define a single user for access control; instead, use a role. Roles map to groups. You can then change the users on the ACL without having to recompile your EJBean.


DEFAULT                     [admin managers] 
deposit                     [everyone]
"withdraw(double)"          [admin managers]
"withdraw(int)"             [admin "Account Managers"]

Example: (from EJB Deployment Wizard)

Configuring access


  • The method name is that of the corresponding home or remote interface, or of the EJBean itself. It must be a business method, an ejbCreate() method, a finder method, or the ejbRemove() method.

  • Methods with the same name but with different signatures can be distinguished by supplying the complete method signature.

  • In text files, method names that are not single words must be enclosed in double quotes(").

For additional information on WebLogic security, please see the WebLogic Developer Guide Using WebLogic ACLs (Access Control Lists). For information on setting up users and groups, see Using WebLogic ACLs: Setting up ACLs in the WebLogic realm.

Control descriptors (controlDescriptors)

This section decides the run-time properties when a method is called. The DEFAULT entry applies to all methods, but can be overridden on a per-method basis, as described for the Access control.

 Transaction isolation level (isolationLevel)

Sets the JDBC transaction isolation level.

Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads can occur

Dirty reads prevented; non-repeatable and phantom reads possible

Dirty and non-repeatable reads prevented; phantom reads possible

The strictest isolation level; all of the above problems avoided

 Transaction attribute (transactionAttribute)

EJBean starts and ends transaction

Caller must start transaction

WebLogic starts and ends a new transaction with each invocation; any caller's transaction is suspended

EJBean requires a transaction, WebLogic will start one if caller hasn't already done so

WebLogic suspends caller's transaction before calling EJBean

 Run-as mode (runAsMode)

This property sets the effective user identity; options are:

The caller's identity is passed to the EJBean

See Run-as identity below

"system" in the weblogic realm

 Run-as identity (runAsIdentity)

If Run-as mode is set to SPECIFIED_IDENTITY, assume the identity given by run-as identity before passing the call to the EJBean.

Examples for a specific method buy():

; control descriptor override
; for a specific remote method
  isolationLevel          TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE
  transactionAttribute    TX_REQUIRED
  runAsMode               CLIENT_IDENTITY
); end buy
; control descriptor override 
; for a specific remote method
  isolationLevel          TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE
  transactionAttribute    TX_REQUIRED
  runAsMode               SPECIFIED_IDENTITY
  runAsIdentity           paul
); end buy

Example: (from EJB Deployment Wizard)

Configuring control descriptors

Clustering (clusterProperties)

This section specifies the properties that control bean deployment in a cluster. These properties are not required for EJBeans that are only deployed on a single server.

 Home call router class name (homeCallRouterClassName)

Specifies a custom class to be used for routing home method calls. This class must implement weblogic.rmi.extensions.CallRouter(). If specified, an instance of this class will be called before each method call and be given the opportunity to choose a server to route to based on the method parameters. It either returns a server name or null indicating that the current load algorithm should be used to pick the server.

 Home is clusterable (homeIsClusterable)

Either "true" or "false". If "true", this bean can be deployed from multiple servers in a cluster. Calls to the home stub will be load-balanced between the servers on which this bean is deployed, and if a server hosting the bean is unreachable, the call will automatically failover to another server hosting the bean. See the list of failover exceptions below.

 Home load algorithm (homeLoadAlgorithm)

Specifies the algorithm to be used for load balancing between replicas of this home. If this is not specified the algorithm specified by the server property weblogic.cluster.defaultLoadAlgorithm will be used. May be any of:
  • round-robin
  • random
  • weight-based

 Home stub is replica aware (homeStubIsReplicaAware)

This descriptor has been deprecated. Please use homeIsClusterable.

 Home stub replica handler (homeStubReplicaHandler)

This descriptor has been deprecated. Please use homeLoadAlgorithm.

 Stateless bean call router class name (statelessBeanCallRouterClassName)

Specifies a custom class to be used for routing bean method calls. This class must implement weblogic.rmi.extensions.CallRouter(). If specified, an instance of this class will be called before each method call and be given the opportunity to choose a server to route to based on the method parameters. It either returns a server name or null indicating that the current load algorithm should be used to pick the server.

 Stateless bean is clusterable (statelessBeanIsClusterable)

Either "true" or "false". If homeIsClusterable is "true" and this property is "true", each call to the bean stub will be load-balanced between the servers that are hosting the bean. If a call to the bean fails due to a communication failure, the call will failover to another server hosting the bean. See the list of failover exceptions below.

Applicable only to stateless session EJBeans (ie, with a stateManagementType of STATELESS_SESSION).

 Stateless bean load algorithm (statelessBeanLoadAlgorithm)

Specifies the algorithm to be used for load balancing between replicas of this bean. If this is not specified the algorithm specified by the server property weblogic.cluster.defaultLoadAlgorithm will be used. May be any of:
  • round-robin
  • random
  • weight-based

 Stateless bean methods are idempotent (statelessBeanMethodsAreIdempotent)

Either "true" or "false". This should be set to "true" only if the bean is written such that repeated calls to the same method with the same arguments has exactly the same effect as a single call. This allows the failover handler to retry a failed call without knowing whether the call actually completed on the failed server. Setting this property to "true" makes it possible for the bean stub to automatically recover from any failure as long as another server hosting the bean can be reached.

See the list of failover exceptions below.

Applicable only to stateless session EJBeans (ie, with a stateManagementType of STATELESS_SESSION).

 Stateless bean stub is replica aware (statelessBeanStubIsReplicaAware)

This descriptor has been deprecated. Please use statelessBeanIsClusterable.

Failover exceptions

If the methods are not idempotent, the call will failover on these exceptions, all of which occur before a method is called:
  • UnknownHostException()
  • ConnectException()
  • ConnectIOException()
  • NoSuchObjectException()

If the methods are idempotent, the call will failover on all of the above exceptions, and on an UnmarshalException().

EJBHomes, if set to clusterable, will failover on all these exceptions.

Example cluster properties

From a text deployment descriptor (note that in a text deployment descriptor, they are listed as a sub-section of environmentProperties):
; Cluster-specific environment properties
    homeIsClusterable                  true
;   homeLoadAlgorithm
    statelessBeanIsClusterable         true
    statelessBeanMethodsAreIdempotent  false
  ); end clusterProperties
); end environmentProperties

From EJB Deployment Wizard:

Configuring clustering

Environment (environmentProperties)

Environment properties can set by supplying a property name (shown in italics in the list below) and a property value. In addition to the properties listed below, there are entity- and session-specific environment properties, and application-specific properties can be defined and retrieved at run-time.

These properties are specific to the WebLogic implementation.

 Home classname (homeClassName)

For a home interface called "Foo", the EJB compiler (ejbc) generates an implementation called "FooHomeImpl". You can inherit from it and override or provide new methods in a custom class, by specifying that class's name for this property.

 EJBObject classname (ejbObjectClassName)

For a remote interface called "Foo", the EJB compiler (ejbc) generates an implementation called "FooEOImpl". You can inherit from it and override or provide new methods in a custom class, by specifying that class's name for this property.

 Maximum EJBeans in free pool (maxBeansInFreePool)

WebLogic EJB maintains a free pool of beans for every bean class. This property decides the size of the pool. See the See the discussion on pooling in the Developers Guide Using WebLogic Enterprise JavaBeans.

 Maximum EJBeans in cache (maxBeansInCache)

Maximum number of objects of this class that are allowed in memory. Objects are kept in an LRU chain, and the ones dropped from the end of the chain are passivated. See the discussion on pooling in the Developers Guide Using WebLogic Enterprise JavaBeans.

 Idle timeout (idleTimeoutSeconds)

The LRU chain (see maxBeansInCache above) is scrubbed of inactive objects after at least this many seconds. See the discussion on pooling in the Developers Guide Using WebLogic Enterprise JavaBeans.

Note: Setting idleTimeoutSeconds to zero inhibits WebLogic Server from passivating EJBeans at regular intervals. If idleTimeoutSeconds is set to zero, WebLogic Server passivates beans only when maxBeansInCache has been reached and a new EJBean must enter the cache. If WebLogic Server cannot passivate a bean when the cache is full, it throws a CacheFullException.

 Is modified method (isModifiedMethodName)

This is applicable only to entity EJBeans. The Is modified method name is the EJBean method that's called when the EJBean is stored. If this method is not specified, WebLogic always assumes that the EJBean has been modified and always saves it. Providing a method and setting it as appropriate will improve performance. This is described in Using WebLogic Enterprise JavaBeans: EJB and persistence.

 Persistent directory root (persistentDirectoryRoot)

This is applicable only to stateful session beans. The location for storing passivated stateful session beans using file persistence.

The default file is "/pstore/example_bean.dat", where the directory "pstore" is located in the directory which the WebLogic Server was launched, and example_bean is the fully-qualified name of the EJBean with underscores ("_") replacing the periods (".") in the name.

For example, if the persistentDirectoryRoot is "c:\weblogic\mystore", all passivated instances of the EJBean "examples.ejb.SessionBean" will be stored in a single file "c:\weblogic\mystore\examples_ejb_SessionBean.dat".

 Application-specific properties

In addition to the properties listed above, application-specific environment properties may be included:


; Application-specific environment properties
; Stock prices is a nested hash table
  WEBL   10.0
  INTL   15.0
); end Stock Prices

tradeLimit                    500

; end Application-specific environment properties

Example environment properties: (from EJB Deployment Wizard)

Configuring environment

Entity-specific properties

For entity EJBeans you must specify the primary key class and the container-managed fields.

EJBean (EntityDescriptor)

 Primary key classname (primaryKeyClassName)

Note that for container-managed persistence (according to the EJB 1.0 spec) you must have a custom class for the primary key -- java.lang.String will not do. For EJBean-managed persistence, it can be any class.

Entity environment (EntityDescriptor)

This property can be added to the environment properties, though it affects only entity beans.
 Container-managed fields (delayUpdatesUntilEndOfTx)

For container-managed persistence only. This optional optimization affects when changes to a bean's state are propogated to the persistent store. If the property is set to "true" (the default), updates of the persistent store of all beans in the transaction will be performed at the end of the transaction. If this is set to "false", the update of a bean's persistent store will be performed at the conclusion of each method invoke.

Previously, this optimization was enabled automatically which can cause problems in applications that utilize integrity constraints on the underlying database tables.

Container-managed fields (EntityDescriptor)

 Container-managed fields (containerManagedFields)

For container-managed persistence only. The list of public non-transient fields of the EJBean that are to be made persistent.

In text deployment descriptor files, to include all EJBean fields without having to enumerate them by name, use:

  containerManagedFields        *

Persistence (persistentStoreProperties)

This section specifies the persistent store properties for entity EJBeans with container-managed persistence.

For entity EJBeans with EJBean-managed persistence (ie, no container-managed fields), this section is ignored and the tab is disabled in the Wizard.

 Persistent store type (persistentStoreType)

Either "file" or "jdbc". The type is used to identify the specific section below that provides additional information for setting up the appropriate persistent storage. The value of the persistentStoreType must be lowercase in text files.

In a future release of WebLogic, you will be able to use a custom persistent storage type. Currently this is not supported.

 File persistence (file)

If the "persistentStoreType" is "file", the following property is applied:

  • Persistent directory root (persistentDirectoryRoot)

    If specified, all instances of an EJBean are stored under the persistentDirectoryRoot with the name of the EJBean converted to a directory name. Defaults to a directory "pstore" in the directory where WebLogic was started. For example, if the persistentDirectoryRoot is "c:\weblogic\mystore", all instances of the EJBean "examples.ejb.AccountBean" will be stored in a single file "c:\weblogic\mystore\examples_ejb_AccountBean.dat".

    Note that file persistence is intended for development and prototyping only, and is not intended for production, as it does not have transactional integrity.

  •  JDBC persistent store type (jdbc)

    If the "persistentStoreType" is "jdbc", the following object-relational mapping information is applied:

  • Table Name (tableName)
    Name of the SQL table in the persistent storage.

  • Shared database (dbIsShared)
    Either "true" or "false". If this is true, caching is turned off, because WebLogic knows it doesn't "own" the table.

    If you directly edit the dbIsShared property in the deployment descriptor file, note that the syntax for specifying the property is different for bean-managed and container-managed entity EJBeans. For container-managed beans, dbIsShared is defined in within the jdbc property. For example:

              persistentStoreType jdbc
                        dbIsShared false
    . . .
                   ); end jdbc
         ); end persistentStoreProperties

    For bean-managed entity EJBeans, dbIsShared is defined within persistentStoreProperties. For example:

              dbIsShared false
         ); end persistentStoreProperties

  • Connection pool name (poolName)
    The connection pool to be used for JDBC persistence. A pool is used for performance reasons; it must be setup in the file.

  • Attribute map (attributeMap)
    Maps the EJBean fields to database column names entered in the last column. Example:
    ; Maps the EJBean fields to database column names 
    ; EJBean field     Database column name
    ; -----------------------------------------
    accountId              id
    balance                bal
    ); end attributeMap
  •  JTS login (weblogicJTSConnPoolProperties)

    Specifies the username and password to use for connecting to the database via JTS. Example:
              user username
              password password
         ); end weblogicJTSConnPoolProperties
    ); end jdbc 
    Note: The weblogicJTSConnPoolProperties property must be manually added to the deployment description.
    Example: (from EJB Deployment Wizard)

    Configuring JDBC persistence

    JDBC Finders (finderDescriptors)

    This property applies to JDBC persistent storage.

    Finder properties are WebLogic's implementation of the EJB find methods. The finder properties are pairs of method signatures and expressions. The methods can be used to find EJBeans and always return an enumeration of EJBeans.

    There are two steps to using the finder descriptors:

    1. Define method signatures in the home interface. The method names must always start with the prefix "find". The Wizard will list all the finder methods in the home interface.

    2. Using the Wizard, define the expression for each method signature.


    • If you use a non-primitive data type in a finder descriptor, you need to use a fully qualified name, such as java.sql.Timestamp.
    • Finder descriptors always use EJB field names, not column names, excpet as shown below for the ordering of the returned beans.

    The syntax of the expression is not fixed, and will change in the future.


    Expression prefix notation of [operator operand1 operand2]

    • operators:

      (   )   =   <   >   <=   >=   /   !   &   |   like isNull   isNotNull   orderBy

      ! is the Boolean not,   & is the Boolean and,   | is the Boolean or

    • operands:
      • another expression;
      • an EJBean field or
      • when preceded by "$", a finder method parameter.


    • Here is an expression that tests if balance > amount:

      "(> balance $amount)"

    • Compound expressions can be used; note use of single quotes (') to distinguish strings:

      "(& (> bal $amount) (! (= accountType 'checking')))"

    • This example is a method signature and an expression that is converted to a findBigAccounts method in the generated persistent storage class. The method returns an enumeration of beans of this class that satisfy this expression.

      "findBigAccounts(double amount)" "(> balance $amount)"

    • Here is a method that finds all the EJBeans in a table:

      "findAll()" "(= 1 1)"

    • Here is a method that finds all EJBeans whose lastName field starts with "M":

      "findNamesStartingWithM()" "(like lastName M%)"

    • Here is a method that finds all EJBeans whose firstName field is null (you can use isNotNull for the opposite):

      "findNullFirstNames()" "(isNull firstName)"

    • Here is a method that finds all EJBeans whose balance field is greater than balanceGreaterThan, and returns the beans ordered by the database column 'id'. Notice that this should all be on one line, and that no column mapping is performed -- the database column must be specified directly:
      "findOrderedAccounts(double balanceGreaterThan)"
        "(orderBy 'id' (> balance $balanceGreaterThan))"
    • Identical to the previous, but returns the beans in descending order:
      "findOrderedAccounts(double balanceGreaterThan)"
        "(orderBy 'id desc' (> balance $balanceGreaterThan))"

    Example: (from EJB Deployment Wizard)
    This shows editing the expression for a finder "findBigAccounts".

    Editing a finder expression

    Session-specific properties

    Some properties are session bean-specific.

    In the EJBean section:

     Stateful or stateless (stateManagementType)

    This is the type of session EJBean; valid values are either STATELESS_SESSION or STATEFUL_SESSION.

     Timeout (sessionTimeout)

    The transaction timeout for container-managed transactions of this EJBean.

    Note that by definition all session EJBeans cannot be reentrant and the property Reentrant must be false.

    In the Environment section:

     Stateful only (persistentDirectoryRoot)
    The location for storing passivated stateful session beans using file persistence.

    In the Clustering section:

     Stateless bean stub is clusterable (statelessBeanIsClusterable)

     Stateless bean methods are idempotent


    Reviewing the deployment descriptor settings

    On this page, a list of all the deployment descriptor settings is shown for your review.

    Check that everything has been entered correctly before proceeding to the next step of specifying the list of tasks to complete.


    Specifying the tasks to complete

    On this page you specify the tasks that you want the Wizard to complete. There are three different tasks that the Wizard will perform:

    1. Update descriptor source

      This will update the source of the deployment descriptor.

    2. Generate WebLogic interfaces for this bean

      This will take all the files and generate the WebLogic interfaces for this bean using the WebLogic EJB compiler ejbc. You need to specify the destination directory for the interface class files; typically, this is the point in your directory structure from where you want to deploy your EJBean. If you specify "Keep generated sources", the intermediate Java files generated by the compiler will be retained.

    3. Create ASCII description file

      You can also write out the deployment descriptor to an ASCII file. This file can be input into the WebLogic EJB utility program DDCreator to create a serialized deployment descriptor.

    Once you have specified the tasks, press Done to begin processing of the tasks by the Wizard.


    Completing tasks and deploying the EJBean

    On this final page, the Wizard performs the tasks you specified in the previous section. It will complete each task in order; the status for each task is shown to the right of the task name.

    Note: when you are done and all tasks have successfully completed, you will still need to edit your file to complete the deployment of your EJBean.

    If any task fails, the entire task list is canceled. If there are any errors for a task, you can see messages and stack traces for that task by selecting the name of the task and then clicking the Error tab. You can then use the Back button to move to an earlier step, make changes, and then try the task list again.

    You can also cancel the task list by pressing the Cancel button before the task list completes. Any changes to the deployment descriptor will be discarded and the temporary files deleted. You can then use the Back button to move to an earlier step, make changes, and then redeploy the EJBean.


    IV. Text file format and index

    Format for text deployment descriptor files

    An alternative method for creating deployment descriptors is to enter the information into a text file and then use the WebLogic EJB utility DDCreator to create a serialized deployment descriptor that's to be included in the EJB-JAR (.jar) file. You specify that .jar file in the weblogic.ejb.deploy property in your file.

    You can use the textual description file to maintain a persistent form of your EJB deployment information.

    The format of the text file is a series of nested sections that list the different properties that you are setting. A section begins with an opening parenthesis and ends with a closing parenthesis. Comments may be included in the text file; anything that appears after a semicolon (";") on a line is considered a comment.

    The properties that you can use depend on whether you are describing an Entity EJBean or a Session EJBean. Examples for both entity and session beans are shown below.

    • Comments are used to indicate the end of each section
    • The examples show which sections are to be included
    • At any level of nesting, the order of the sections doesn't matter
    • Certain properties are included but have been commented out as not applicable
    • The start of each section is show in bold face
    • An index of different properties is included

    Entity Descriptor

    ; For entity EJBeans, this file 
    ; must start with "(EntityDescriptor"
      beanHomeName                    entity.AccountHome
      enterpriseBeanClassName         example.entity.AccountBean
      homeInterfaceClassName          example.entity.AccountHome
      remoteInterfaceClassName        example.entity.Account
      isReentrant                     false
       DEFAULT                       [admin managers] 
      ); end accessControlEntries
           isolationLevel             TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE
           transactionAttribute       TX_REQUIRED
           runAsMode                  CLIENT_IDENTITY
           runAsIdentity              admin
        ); end DEFAULT
      ); end controlDescriptors
    ;   homeClassName               
    ;   ejbObjectClassName
        maxBeansInFreePool            20
        maxBeansInCache               100
        idleTimeoutSeconds            10
        isModifiedMethodName          isModified
          "findBigAccounts(double amount)" "> balance $amount"
        ); end finderDescriptors
        ; Cluster-specific environment properties
          homeIsClusterable             true
        ; homeLoadAlgorithm
          statelessBeanIsClusterable    true
          statelessBeanMethodsAreIdempotent  false
        ); end clusterProperties
          persistentStoreType         jdbc 
            tableName                ejbAccounts
            dbIsShared               false
            poolName                 ejbPool
              ; EJBean field     Database column name
              ; -----------------------------------------
              accountId              id
              balance                bal
            ); end attributeMap
          ); end jdbc
        ); end persistentStoreProperties
      ); end environmentProperties
      ; Entity EJBean-specific properties:
      primaryKeyClassName             example.entity.AccountPK
      containerManagedFields          [accountId balance]
      ; end entity EJBean-specific properties
    ); end EntityDescriptor

    Session Descriptor

    ; For session EJBeans, this file 
    ; must start with "(SessionDescriptor"
      beanHomeName                    session.TraderHome 
      enterpriseBeanClassName         example.session.TraderBean
      homeInterfaceClassName          example.session.TraderHome
      remoteInterfaceClassName        example.session.Trader
      isReentrant                     false 
      ; Session EJBean-specific properties:
      stateManagementType             STATEFUL_SESSION
      sessionTimeout                  5; seconds
      ; end session EJBean-specific properties
        DEFAULT                       [admin traderAdmin] 
      ); end accessControlEntries
           isolationLevel             TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE
           transactionAttribute       TX_REQUIRED
           runAsMode                  CLIENT_IDENTITY
           runAsIdentity              traderAdmin
        ); end DEFAULT
           isolationLevel          TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE
           transactionAttribute    TX_REQUIRED
           runAsMode               CLIENT_IDENTITY
        ); end buy
      ); end controlDescriptors
        ; Cluster-specific environment properties
          homeIsClusterable             true
        ; homeLoadAlgorithm
        ; statelessBeanIsClusterable    true
        ; statelessBeanMethodsAreIdempotent  false
        ); end clusterProperties
        ; Application-specific environment properties
          ; Stock prices is a nested hash table
          WEBL   10.0
          INTL   15.0
        ); end Stock Prices
        tradeLimit                    500
        ; end Application-specific environment properties
    ;   homeClassName               
    ;   ejbObjectClassName
        maxBeansInFreePool            100
        maxBeansInCache               100
        idleTimeoutSeconds            5
        persistentDirectoryRoot       c:\mystore
      ); end environmentProperties
    ); end SessionDescriptor


    Index of deployment descriptor properties


    V. Change history

    Release 4.0.3

    We have added a new Deployment Descriptor environmental property called "delayUpdatesUntilEndOfTx". This optional optimization affects when changes to a bean's state are propogated to the persistent store. If the property is set to "true" (the default), updates of the persistent store of all beans in the transaction will be performed at the end of the transaction. If this is set to "false", the update of a bean's persistent store will be performed at the conclusion of each method invoke.

    Previously, this optimization was enabled automatically which can cause problems in applications that utilize integrity constraints on the underlying database tables.

    Fixed a problem with EJB Deployment Wizard passing the classpath to the EJB compiler.

    Fixed a problem when the EJB Deployment Wizard opened a corrupted preferences file.

    Fixed a problem with our extensions to the standard DeploymentDescriptors not implementing equals() correctly.

    Added a note to this document that if you use a non-primitive data type in a finder descriptor, you need to use a fully qualified name, such as java.sql.Timestamp.

    Release 4.0

    Help is now available from within the deployment wizard by selecting "Help ¬ Using the Deployment Wizard".

    The user interface has been simplified with new icons and displays.

    A new option has been added under the "options" menu allowing you to specify colors used for display of selected information.

    Clustering features can be specified.

    New finder operators are documented.

    Release 3.1.1

    The behavior of the ejbc compiler has changed; if given a jar file, it will now unpack the jar file automatically.

    Added caching for opened wizards to improve initialization performance on subsequent uses.

    Added support for storing filenames of loaded deployment descriptors and other GUI-related startup information in the .ini file.

    Added support to write out PersistenceDescriptor info to ASCII description file.

    Set FieldTable to get reflection information about the bean's dependent class from the deployment descriptor.

    Release 3.1

    Fixed problems related to ObjectStorage configuration.

    Fixed problems with loading and configuring .ser files.

    Added support for reverting the deployment descriptor's state when cancelled.


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    Required browser: Netscape 4.0 or higher, or Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher.