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   BEA WebLogic Server Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1:   Previous Topic   |   Next Topic   |   Contents   


BEA WebLogic Server Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1


1. EJB Features and Changes in WebLogic Server Version 5.1


New Features

EJB 1.1 compliance

Application assembly support in EJB Deployer

DDConverter upgrade utility

Full JNDI support for EJB environment

New resource factory support

Support for EJB home handles

Improved free pool management

Improved manageability for multiple persistence types

WebLogic Query Language (WLQL) supports embedded Java

is-modified-method-name support for bean-managed EJBs

New Java type support for multi-object finders

Changed behavior

EJB deployment

javax.ejb.deployment classes not used

Default transaction properties

XML deployment descriptors

Text descriptor to XML element mapping

Deleted deployment properties

.jar and directory deployment units

Unsupported deployment utilities

Persistence Services

File-based persistence not supported

JDBC-based persistence renamed to RDBMS-based persistence

BLOB and CLOB DBMS columns

Entity EJB changes

Primary key changes for container-managed EJBs

Simple and compound primary keys

EJB exception changes

New ejbc syntax

Required changes for EJB 1.1 compliance

Updates for EJB classes and interfaces

General EJB updates

Entity EJB Updates

EJBs using the UserTransaction interface

Deprecated methods from javax.ejb.EJBContext

Updates for EJB Clients

Accessing EJBs

Removing session beans

2. Upgrading EJBs to WebLogic Server Version 5.1



Text deployment descriptor

Compiled classes and interfaces

Step 1: Convert the text deployment descriptor

Optional conversion tasks

Step 2: Package EJB Classes and Interfaces

Step 3: Edit deployment properties and check compliance

3. The WebLogic Server EJB Container


EJB Lifecycle in WebLogic Server

Stateless session EJB lifecycle

Initializing EJB instances

Activating and pooling EJBs

Stateful EJB lifecycle

Initializing and using EJB instances

Passivating stateful EJBs

Removing stateful session EJB instances

Stateful session EJB requirements

Locking Model for Entity EJBs

ejbLoad() and ejbStore() behavior for entity EJBs

Using db-is-shared to limit calls to ejbLoad()

Restrictions and warnings for db-is-shared

Using is-modified-method-name to limit calls to ejbStore()

Warning for is-modified-method-name

Using delay-updates-until-end-of-tx to change ejbStore() behavior

Setting the cache strategy for entity EJBs

read-write cache strategy

read-only cache strategy

"read-mostly" pattern

EJBs in WebLogic Server Clusters


Clustered EJBHome objects

Clustered EJBObjects

Session EJBs in a cluster

Stateless session EJBs

Stateful session EJBs

Entity EJBs in a cluster

read-write entity EJBs

read-only entity EJBs

Transaction management

Transaction management responsibilities

Using javax.transaction.UserTransaction

Restriction for container-managed EJBs

Distributing transactions across multiple EJBs

Calling multiple EJBs from a single transaction context

Encapsulating a multi-operation transaction

Distributing transactions across EJBs in a WebLogic Server cluster

Transaction isolation level


Special note for Oracle Databases

Resource Factories

Setting up JDBC datasource factories

Setting up URL connection factories

Setting up javax.mail.Session resources

Persistence Services

Using WebLogic Server RDBMS Persistence

Writing Finders for RDBMS Persistence

Using WebLogic Query Language (WLQL)

Using Java Expressions in WLQL

4. WebLogic Server EJB Design and Development


Invoking deployed EJBs

Local vs. remote clients

Restrictions for accessing EJB instances

Storing EJB references in home handles

Using home handles across a firewall

EJB Design Tips

Preserve transaction resources

Allow the datastore to manage transactions

Use container-managed transactions over bean-managed transactions

Never demarcate transactions from a client application

Use correct modeling for entity EJBs

Entity EJBs should be coarse-grained

Entity EJBs should contain business logic

Optimize entity EJB data access

Use isModified() where appropriate

Using inheritance with EJBs

Using Session Beans

5. Deploying EJBs in WebLogic Server


Required steps for deploying EJBs

Setting deployment properties

Generating EJB container classes

Loading EJB classes into WebLogic Server

Note for jview Users

Overview of WebLogic Server classloading

Deploying EJBs at startup

Deploying EJBs in a running WebLogic Server (Hot Deployment)

Hot deploy concepts and restrictions

EJB deployment names


Updating deployment units

Viewing deployed EJBs

Deploying new EJBs

Undeploying deployed EJBs

Updating deployed EJBs

6. Deploying EJBs with EJB Deployer


WebLogic Server deployment files

Roles and responsibilities


Getting started

EJB Deployer basics

Menu bar

Tool bar

Object panel

Edit panel

Message panel

Starting EJB Deployer

Setting up EJB Deployer servers and preferences

Editing WebLogic Server connections

Using a WebLogic Server connections

Changing EJB Deployer preferences

Working with EJB deployment units

Loading a .jar file

Viewing the contents of a .jar

Creating a new .jar file

Configuring basic EJB properties

Configuring general EJB properties

Setting EJB class properties

Setting method transaction attributes

Assigning method permissions

Default method permissions in WebLogic Server

Changing method permissions

Adding, removing, and changing environment entries

Configuring WebLogic Server deployment properties

Setting cache and performance properties

Setting clustering properties

Mapping EJB references

Mapping application roles to WebLogic Server principals

Mapping EJB references

Mapping resource factory references

Configuring persistence properties for entity EJBs

Configuring container-managed fields

Configuring WebLogic Server RDBMS-based persistence

Specifying the table and connection for RDBMS operations

Mapping container-managed fields to database columns

Editing EJB finder method expressions

Validating deployment units

Validating deployment properties

Checking for compliance with EJB 1.1

Compiling and deploying EJBs

Compiling EJB container classes

Deploying .jar files to WebLogic Server

7. WebLogic Server EJB Reference

















XML deployment properties

Manually editing XML deployment files

Basic conventions

DOCTYPE header information

Document Type Definitions (DTDs) for validation

weblogic-ejb-jar.xml Properties

Caching properties

Persistence properties

Clustering properties

Transaction properties

EJB references

Isolation level settings

Security role assignments

weblogic-cmp-rdbms-jar.xml Properties

RDBMS definition elements

EJB field-mapping elements

Finder elements