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Interface examples.xml.biztalk.IncomingMessage

public interface IncomingMessage
extends Serializable
Interface describing a Biztalk document that has been received by a Biztalk Server. Objects implementing this interface are passed to EJBs registered with a Biztalk server based on the document type returned by the getType() method.

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Method Index

 o createResponse(String, String)
Returns an OutgoingMessage object that can be used to respond to the sender.
 o getBizNameSpace()
Returns name space associated with the Biztalk envelope.
 o getBodyAsObject()
Returns an Object representing the document body.
 o getBodyAsXML()
Returns an XML docuwent fragment representing the document body of the original message.
 o getFromAddress()
Returns address of sender.
 o getFromHandle()
Returns state info set by the sender.
 o getFromProcess()
Returns state info set by the sender.
 o getFromReferenceID()
Returns reference ID of sender.
 o getNameSpace()
Returns name space associated with the payload.
 o getPayloadAsObject()
Returns an Object representing the document payload.
 o getToAddress()
Returns address of receiver.
 o getToHandle()
Returns state info set by the recipient.
 o getToProcess()
Returns state info set by the recipient.
 o getToReferenceID()
Returns reference ID of recipient.
 o getType()
Returns Document type for the payload.
 o getXML()
Returns XML for the original document


 o getXML
 public abstract String getXML() throws BizException
Returns XML for the original document

XML document
Throws: BizException
unable to process the document due to parsing or IO failures.
 o getType
 public abstract String getType() throws BizException
Returns Document type for the payload. The document type is name of the first element in the body of the document.

Document type.
Throws: BizException
unable to process the document due to parsing or IO failures.
 o getNameSpace
 public abstract String getNameSpace() throws BizException
Returns name space associated with the payload. The name space identifies the schema used by the payload (body) of the document.

Envelope name space.
Throws: BizException
unable to process the document due to parsing or IO failures.
 o getBizNameSpace
 public abstract String getBizNameSpace() throws BizException
Returns name space associated with the Biztalk envelope. The name space identifies the schema used by the Biztalk envelope.

Envelope name space.
Throws: BizException
unable to process the document due to parsing or IO failures.
 o getFromAddress
 public abstract String getFromAddress() throws BizException
Returns address of sender. The address is a Universal Resource Identifier (URI) describing the logical address of the sending or receiving system. It is resolved to a transport-specific system address by the BizTalk server. This transport-specific address is transparent to the applications.

URI of sender.
Throws: BizException
unable to process the document due to parsing or IO failures.
 o getFromReferenceID
 public abstract String getFromReferenceID() throws BizException
Returns reference ID of sender. A reference ID is a unique identifier or cookie used to reference which interchange this document is associated with. The reference ID for the document interchange would typically be unique for an instance of a particular business process.

Sender reference ID.
Throws: BizException
unable to process the document due to parsing or IO failures.
 o getFromProcess
 public abstract String getFromProcess() throws BizException
Returns state info set by the sender. Process may be used to again refine the state of the interchange, by identifying the user account, process, or security context where the document originated, or is intended to be sent. This is a further refinement of the handle.

Process value.
Throws: BizException
unable to process the document due to parsing or IO failures.
 o getFromHandle
 public abstract String getFromHandle() throws BizException
Returns state info set by the sender. Handle provides additional handling or processing information that may be required by the application. An example would be the handle for a functional module or step within a business process. The handle is used as a further refinement of the reference ID.

Handle value.
Throws: BizException
unable to process the document due to parsing or IO failures.
 o getToAddress
 public abstract String getToAddress() throws BizException
Returns address of receiver. The address is a Universal Resource Identifier (URI) describing the logical address of the sending or receiving system. It is resolved to a transport-specific system address by the BizTalk server. This transport-specific address is transparent to the applications.

URI of message recipient.
Throws: BizException
unable to process the document due to parsing or IO failures.
 o getToReferenceID
 public abstract String getToReferenceID() throws BizException
Returns reference ID of recipient. A reference ID is a unique identifier or cookie used to reference which interchange this document is associated with. The reference ID for the document interchange would typically be unique for an instance of a particular business process.

Recipient reference ID.
Throws: BizException
unable to process the document due to parsing or IO failures.
 o getToProcess
 public abstract String getToProcess() throws BizException
Returns state info set by the recipient. Process may be used to again refine the state of the interchange, by identifying the user account, process, or security context where the document originated, or is intended to be sent. This is a further refinement of the handle.

Process value.
Throws: BizException
unable to process the document due to parsing or IO failures.
 o getToHandle
 public abstract String getToHandle() throws BizException
Returns state info set by the recipient. Handle provides additional handling or processing information that may be required by the application. An example would be the handle for a functional module or step within a business process. The handle is used as a further refinement of the reference ID.

Handle value.
Throws: BizException
unable to process the document due to parsing or IO failures.
 o getBodyAsXML
 public abstract String getBodyAsXML() throws BizException
Returns an XML docuwent fragment representing the document body of the original message.

XML fragment for document body.
Throws: BizException
unable to process the document due to parsing or IO failures.
 o getBodyAsObject
 public abstract Object getBodyAsObject() throws BizException
Returns an Object representing the document body. The actual class is dependent on the class implementing this interface. For example, the DOMIncomingMessage class will return the DOM node of the document body.

Object representing document body.
Throws: BizException
unable to process the document due to parsing or IO failures.
 o getPayloadAsObject
 public abstract Object getPayloadAsObject() throws BizException
Returns an Object representing the document payload. The payload is the section between the <body> and </body> tags. The actual class is dependent on the class implementing this interface. For example, the DOMIncomingMessage class will return the DOM node of the document body.

Object representing document payload.
Throws: BizException
unable to process the document due to parsing or IO failures.
 o createResponse
 public abstract OutgoingMessage createResponse(String type,
                                                String name) throws BizException
Returns an OutgoingMessage object that can be used to respond to the sender. i.e. the to/from fields are reversed.

an Outgoing Message object representing a response to the sender.
Throws: BizException
unable to process the document due to parsing or IO failures.

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