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   Introduction to BEA WebLogic Server 5.1:   Previous Topic   |   Next Topic   |   Contents   


Introduction to BEA WebLogic Server 5.1


1. Introduction

What is WebLogic Server?

Multitier Application Architecture

WebLogic Server Architecture

WebLogic Server and Sun's Java 2 Platform

WebLogic Server Application Models

Web Services Application Model

Static HTML Pages and Applets


JSP Pages

Web-based Component Application Model

Enterprise JavaBeans

JDBC Connection Pools

Java Client Application Model

Java Development with WebLogic Server

What's Next?

2. WebLogic Server Administration

WebLogic Server Administrative Facilities

Configuring WebLogic Server

The WebLogic Console

WebLogic Server Security

Users and Groups

Defining Users

Defining Groups

Special Users and Groups


Basic Authentication

Strong Authentication


Defining an ACL

Security Realms

Additional Security Considerations

Administrative Utilities

General Information Utilities

Database-related Utilities

weblogic.Admin Class

ZAC (Zero Administration Client)

Performance Packs

WebLogic Server Clusters

Cluster Architecture

HTTP Clustering

RMI and EJB Clustering

JDBC clustering

Non-clustered Services in a WebLogic Server Cluster

More about WebLogic Clusters

3. WebLogic Server Developer APIs

Developing Applications for WebLogic Server

About the Examples in this Document

What's Next?

4. Servlets

Creating an HTTP Servlet

SqlServlet example

init() method

doGet() method

doPost() method

Support methods

Running the SqlServlet example

More about Servlets

5. JSP (JavaServer Pages)

JSP Tags

Implicit Variables

A Simple JSP Example

Running the Calendar.jsp Example

More about JSP

6. JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)

Multitier WebLogic JDBC Applications

Testing a Multitier JDBC Connection

Using a WebLogic JDBC Connection Pool

Defining a Connection Pool

Using Connection Pools in JDBC Clients

Running the booksPool Example

More about WebLogic JDBC

7. EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans)

Types of EJBs

Session Beans

Entity Beans

Developing EJBs

Remote Interface

Implementation Class

Home Interface

Primary Key Class

Deployment Descriptors

Running the Emp Example

Using the Bean in an Application

Running the EmpQuery.jsp Example

More about EJB

8. JMS (Java Message Service)

JMS Messaging Models

Point-to-Point Messaging

Publish/Subscribe Messaging

JMS Persistence

JMS Classes and Interfaces




Message Producer


Message Consumer


Using JMS

Sending Messages

Receiving Messages

Running the EmpTrans Example

More about JMS