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WebLogic Frequently Asked Questions: WebLogic jDriver for Informix


Using Unicode character sets with WebLogic jDriver for Informix

How do I use multibyte character sets with WebLogic jDriver for Informix?

Currently, multibyte character sets are not supported for the WebLogic jDriver for Informix driver. Support may be added in a future release. For more information, read about in Codeset support in Using WebLogic jDriver for Informix.

Using WebLogic jDriver for Informix in an applet

I have tested the sample SocketApplet in JDBC. It works fine in the AppletViewer, but when I use Internet Explorer, I get the following message:


How can I make my applet run in a browser?

The most common cause of this problem is that the applet is trying to connect to a different server than the one from which it was downloaded. When testing an applet, make sure that your applet isn't loading classes locally. For tips on troubleshooting applet problems, see Troubleshooting applet security problems.

Setting locks in an Informix database

I am getting errors 271(Could not insert new row into the table) and 243 (Could not position within a table table-name) when running a multi-user application using the WebLogic jDriver for Informix driver. How can I allow multi-user access to my Informix database?

First, confirm that your table file is not corrupted or truncated by using the bcheck or secheck utilities. If you have verified the file's integrity, then the most likely cause of your problem is that you have locked your table file or a record within the table. This is a normal event in multi-user programs; generally you can recover by rolling back the current transaction, waiting a short time, and then re-executing the transaction. Here are some specifics:

For interactive SQL, redo the operation.

For C-ISAM programs, review the program logic and make sure that it can handle this situation. You can obtain exclusive access to a table by passing the ISEXCLLOCK flag to ISOPEN.

For SQL programs, review the program logic and make sure that it can handle this situation. The easiest way to handle this error is to use the statement SET LOCK MODE TO WAIT. For bulk updates, see the LOCK TABLE statement and the EXCLUSIVE clause of the DATABASE statement.