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Create a New Group

  1. Click the Groups node in the left pane. The Groups table displays in the right pane showing all the groups in the domain.

  2. Enter a value in the New Group Name attribute field.

  3. Click Create to create the group. A dialog displays in the right pane showing additional controls for working with the new group.

  4. Enter values in the Add Users and Add Groups attribute fields to add users and groups respectively. Separate multiple users and multiple groups in each field with a space. Note that any users and groups you add must already exist in the database.

  5. Click Update Group. The dialog in the right pane refreshes showing the new users and groups in the Members field.

Delete a Group

  1. Click the Groups node in the left pane. The Groups table displays in the right pane showing all the groups in the domain.

  2. Click the Delete icon in the row of the group you want to delete. A dialog displays in the right pane asking you to confirm your deletion request.

  3. Click Yes to delete the group. The group icon under the Groups node is deleted.

Remove Users from a Group

  1. Click the Groups node in the left pane. The Groups table displays in the right pane showing all the groups in the domain.

  2. Click the name of the group that has users you want to remove. A dialog displays in the right pane showing additional controls for working with the selected group.

  3. Enter the names of the users you want to remove in the Remove Users attribute field.

  4. Click Update Group. The dialog in the right pane refreshes showing that the users you selected have been removed from the Members field.

Remove Groups from a Group

  1. Click the Groups node in the left pane. The Groups table displays in the right pane showing all the groups in the domain.

  2. Click the name of the group that has groups you want to remove. A dialog displays in the right pane showing additional controls for working with the selected group.

  3. Enter the names of the groups you want to remove in the Remove Groups attribute field.

  4. Click Update Group. The dialog in the right pane refreshes showing that the groups you selected have been removed from the Members field.




Range of Values

Default Value



This attribute returns the name of the group.


The name can be up to 256 alphanumeric characters, but may not contain commas or spaces.






This attribute returns the members in the group.








Range of Values

Default Value



This attribute provides a space for user supplied information.


The value must be an alphanumeric string.





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