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JMS Queue






Range of Values

Default Value



Name of the queue. The JNDI name is configured separately.

This attribute is not dynamically configurable.


Java identifier, unique within the JMSServer


My JMSQueue[-n]




Name used to look up the destination within the JNDI namespace. The destination name is configured separately. If not specified, the destination name is not advertised through the JNDI namespace.

This attribute is not dynamically configurable.


Java identifier, unique within the JNDI namespace scope




Enable Store


Flag specifying whether or not the queue uses the backing store specified by the JMS server.

If this flag is enabled, but no backing store is defined, then the configuration fails and WebLogic JMS does not boot. If this flag is disabled, then the queue does not support persistent messages. If this flag is set to Default, then the queue uses the backing store if one is defined.

This attribute is not dynamically configurable.


true, false, default






Template from which the queue is derived. If this attribute is not defined, then the attributes for the queue must be specified as part of the destination.

The Template attribute setting per destination is static. The template attributes, however, can be modified dynamically.


Existing template name or none




Thresholds and Quotas



Range of Values

Default Value

Bytes Maximum


Maximum number of bytes that may be stored in the JMS server. A value of -1 specifies that there is no limit on the number of bytes that can be stored in the JMS server.

This attribute is dynamically configurable.


-1, 0 through 263-1,
Bytes Threshold High




Bytes Threshold High


Upper threshold that triggers events based on the number of bytes stored in the JMS server. A value of -1 specifies that threshold events are disabled for the JMS server.

This attribute is dynamically configurable.


-1, 0 through 263-1,
Bytes Maximum,
>Bytes Threshold Low




Bytes Threshold Low


Lower threshold that triggers events based on the number of bytes stored in the JMS server. A value of -1 specifies that threshold events are disabled for the JMS server.

This attribute is dynamically configurable.


-1, 0 through 263-1,
<Bytes Threshold High




Messages Maximum


Maximum number of messages that may be stored in the JMS server. A value of -1 specifies that there is no limit on the number of messages that can be stored in the JMS server.

This attribute is dynamically configurable.


-1, 0 through 263-1,
Bytes Threshold High




Messages Threshold High


Upper threshold that triggers events based on the number of messages stored in the JMS server. A value of -1 specifies that threshold events are disabled for the JMS server.

This attribute is dynamically configurable.


-1, 0 through 263-1,
Messages Maximum,
>Messages Threshold Low




Messages Threshold Low


Lower threshold that triggers events based on the number of messages stored in the JMS server. A value of -1 specifies that threshold events are disabled for the JMS server.

This attribute is dynamically configurable.


-1, 0 through 263-1,
<Messages Threshold High







Range of Values

Default Value

Priority Override






Time to Live Override






Delivery Mode Override













Range of Values

Default Value



This attribute provides a space for user-supplied information.


The value must be an alphanumeric string.





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