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   BEA WebLogic Server Configuration Reference:   Previous topic   |   Next topic   |   Contents   |  Index


Overview of config.xml


The following sections provide an overview of the WebLogic Server configuration file (config.xml):

What Is the config.xml File?

The config.xml file is an XML document that describes the configuration of an entire Weblogic Server domain. The config.dtd Document Type Definition (DTD) describes the content and structure of the config.xml file. The DTD describes the valid XML tags, the tag order, whether the tags are optional, the type of data contained within the tags, the tag attributes, the attribute values, and so on.

The config.xml file consists of a series of XML elements. The Domain element is the top-level element, and all elements in the Domain are children of the Domain element. The Domain element includes child elements, such as the Server, Cluster, and Application elements. These child elements may have children themselves.

For example, the Server element includes the child elements WebServer, SSL and Log. The Application element includes the child elements EJBComponent and WebAppComponent. The WebAppComponent element includes the child element WebServer. To see a list of all parent and children elements, see config.xml Element Hierarchy Diagram.

Each element has one or more configurable attributes. An attribute defined in config.dtd has a corresponding attribute in the configuration API. For example, the Server element has a ListenPort attribute, and likewise, the has a ListenPort attribute. Configurable attributes are readable and writable, that is, ServerMBean has a getListenPort and a setListenPort method.

When an attribute is another element (such as the SSL attribute of Server), the reference is defined by name. All elements have a Name attribute.

To view the complete config.dtd file, see config.dtd File.

Editing the config.xml File

BEA recommends that you use the Administration Console to modify or monitor a domain configuration. You can also modify the config.xml file in the following ways: