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   BEA WebLogic Server Frequently Asked Questions:   Previous topic   |   Next topic   |   Contents   


FAQs: Code Examples


Why can't I run an example class file with the java classname command?

Each example comes with detailed instructions for building the example class files, configuring the server, and running the example. Make sure that you have completed each of the example instructions. One of the first steps of almost every example is to make sure that your environment is set properly by running the setEnv script. This helps to ensure that your classpath is set properly and that you compile the class files into the appropriate directories. For more information, see the WebLogic Server Examples Guide located at samples/examples/examples.html in your WebLogic server distribution.

How do I use the Cloudscape evaluation version with the EJB examples?

An evaluation version of the Cloudscape database management system is included in your WebLogic distribution, but must be set up properly for it to work with the code examples. All examples that use the Cloudscape database include instructions for configuring the connection pool. For additional information, see Using the Cloudscape Database With WebLogic Server located at samples/eval/cloudscape/cloudscape.html in your WebLogic Server distribution.