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FAQs: Installation


How do I access and download Service Packs?

The latest WebLogic Server installers (with appropriate service packs already applied) are available at The same URL includes a link to download Service Pack upgrades for an existing WebLogic Server installation (but these are available only to customers who have a WebSUPPORT account).

A list of bug fixes that are contained in the Service Pack, as well as other important information, is in the WebLogic Server 6.0 with Service Pack Release Notes. If you decide to apply the Service Pack, and something goes wrong, back-out of the installation by following the uninstall instructions.

If I've already downloaded WebLogic Server, how can I upgrade when a new Service Pack is released?

Download only the new Service Pack by itself. Do not download a full instance of WebLogic Server with the service pack. To download a Service Pack by itself, if you have a WebSUPPORT account, you can go to If you do not have a WebSUPPORT account, go to our Web site at and click the BEA WebSUPPORT link to get a WebSUPPORT account.

How do I install Service Packs?

Click on one of the FTP links available on our Web site at and save the Service Pack installer file to your hard drive. If you have a WebSUPPORT account, you can access links for service packs by themselves from

How do I view and recover files replaced or deleted by a Service Pack installation?

To view the files replaced or deleted by a Service Pack installation, go to the wls_6.0_prod_dir/uninstaller_servicepack directory of the upgraded WebLogic Server instance and enter the following command:

  jar tf baseRest.jar

To recover a file replaced or deleted by a Service Pack installation, go to the wls_6.0_prod_dir/uninstaller_servicepack directory of the upgraded WebLogic Server instance and enter the following command:

  jar xf baseRest.jar filename

Where filename is the name of the file you want to recover.

My Service Pack installation failed. Why did I receive this message: Java 1.3 and up is required?

WebLogic Server 6.0 Service Pack installer currently requires JDK 1.3 or higher.  Make sure that you include the path to the JDK 1.3 software at the front of the PATH variable setting on your system. A 1.3.0 JDK is bundled with the server. For a Service Pack installation, point to that JDK. For example (using Windows):

set PATH=full_path_to_bea_home_dir\jdk130\bin;%PATH%

For example (using UNIX):

$PATH=full_path_to_bea_home_dir/jdk130/bin:$PATH export PATH

Where full_path_to_bea_home_dir is the full pathname of the target BEA Home directory.

How do I confirm that the Service Pack has been applied?

Check your server version with the command:

   java weblogic.Admin -url host:port -username username
-password password VERSION

Where username and password are your username and password.

This command will output version information. For example:

   WebLogic Build: 6.0.1 Service Pack 1 ...

Can I apply the Service Pack to my Beta version of WebLogic Server 6.0?

No. The Service Pack was designed only for the official release of WebLogic Server 6.0.

Why isn't the Service Pack installer finding my installation of WebLogic Server?

First, make sure that you have the correct version of the WebLogic Server. If you run the VERSION command, it should return: WebLogic Build: 6.0. If you are certain you have WebLogic Server 6.0 installed, open the registry.xml file included in your BEA Home directory. The following code should be set:

<release level="6.0" Status="installed"

If you had installed the Beta version of WebLogic Server 6.0, you may see that the release level is "6.0 beta". You may also see that the Status is "uninstalled".

How do I download and install WebLogicServer 6.0 for Compaq Tru64 Unix using the WinZip file?

Because WinZip files are typically extracted and executed, you should insert this file in a classpath like you would a .jar file.

Execute, do not unzip, this java-based installer.

java -classpath install