BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.0sp2 API Reference

Interface XMLParserLiaison

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface XMLParserLiaison
extends XPathSupport, org.xml.sax.Parser

An implementation of this interface acts as a liaison between the XSLT processor and the XML parser. It is needed in order to support features like included files, and to cover for deficiencies in the DOM. An implementation of this interface is a requirement for the XSL processor. While the XPathSupport methods are intended to just support XPath, the methods in this class are intended to support XSLT.

This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project. In future releases the XML parser, XSLT processor, and associated classes will likely be updated to be based on a later version of the Apache implementations. Since Apache does not guarantee backwards compatibility between versions of their software, we cannot guarantee backwards compatibility of any of the classes contained in the weblogic.apache package or sub-packages.

Copyright © 2001 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Fields inherited from class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.XPathSupport
Method Summary
 void checkNode(org.w3c.dom.Node node)
           Check node to see if it matches this liaison.
 void copyFromOtherLiaison(XMLParserLiaisonDefault from)
          Copy attributes from another liaison.
 org.w3c.dom.Document createDocument()
          Create an empty DOM Document.
 java.lang.String getAcceptLanguage()
          Get language variant that should be used, passed from servlet HTTP header.
 XPathFactory getDefaultXPathFactory()
          Get a factory to create XPaths.
 org.w3c.dom.Document getDocument()
          Returns the document just parsed.
 org.xml.sax.EntityResolver getEntityResolver()
          Get the EntityResolver for this liaison.
 java.lang.String getExpandedAttributeName(org.w3c.dom.Attr attr)
          Returns the attribute name with the namespace expanded.
 java.lang.String getExpandedElementName(org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
          Return the expanded element name.
 int getIndent()
          Get the amount to indent when indent-result="yes".
 java.lang.String getParserDescription()
          Return a string suitible for telling the user what parser is being used.
 ProblemListener getProblemListener()
          Get the current problem listener.
 boolean getShouldExpandEntityRefs()
          Get whether or not to expand all entity references in the source and style trees.
 java.lang.String getSpecialCharacters()
          Deprecated. getURLFromString(java.lang.String urlString, java.lang.String base)
          Take a user string and try and parse XML, and also return the url.
 boolean getUseValidation()
          Get whether or not validation will be performed.
 void reset()
          Reset for new run.
 void setAcceptLanguage(java.lang.String acceptLanguage)
          Set language variant that should be used, passed from servlet HTTP header.
 void setEnvSupport(XPathEnvSupport envSupport)
           XPath environment support, which the liaison may aggregate back to in order to implement the XPathEnvSupport interface.
 void setErrorHandler(org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler errorHandler)
 void setIndent(int i)
          Set the amount to indent when indent-result="yes".
 void setProblemListener(ProblemListener listener)
          Set the current problem listener.
 void setShouldExpandEntityRefs(boolean b)
          Set whether or not to expand all entity references in the source and style trees.
 void setSpecialCharacters(java.lang.String str)
 void setUseDOM2getNamespaceURI(boolean v)
          Set whether or not getNamespaceOfNode should use the Xerces/DOM2 getNamespaceURI.
 void setUseValidation(boolean b)
          If set to true, validation will be performed.
 boolean supportsSAX()
          Returns true if the liaison supports the SAX DocumentHandler interface.
Methods inherited from interface weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.XPathSupport
addExtensionNamespace, beginConstruction, createXLocatorHandler, decrementContextNodePosition, endConstruction, getContextNodeList, getContextNodePosition, getCurrentNode, getElementByID, getErrorHandler, getInConstruction, getLocalNameOfNode, getNamespaceContext, getNamespaceForPrefix, getNamespaceOfNode, getNodeNumber, getParentOfNode, getProcessNamespaces, getThrowFoundIndex, getUnparsedEntityURI, incrementContextNodePosition, isIgnorableWhitespace, parseXML, popContextNodeList, popContextNodePosition, popXPathContext, problem, pushContextNodeList, pushContextNodePosition, pushDummyXPathContext, pushXPathContext, reExecuteXPathContext, setContextNodePosition, setCurrentNode, setNamespaceContext, setProcessNamespaces, setThrowFoundIndex, supportsNodeNumber
Methods inherited from interface org.xml.sax.Parser
parse, parse, setDocumentHandler, setDTDHandler, setEntityResolver, setLocale
Methods inherited from interface weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.XPathEnvSupport
associateXLocatorToNode, deassociateXLocatorToNode, elementAvailable, extFunction, findURIFromDoc, functionAvailable, getDOMFactory, getNodeSetByKey, getSourceDocsTable, getVariable, getXLocatorFromNode, setDOMFactory, shouldStripSourceNode

Method Detail


public void checkNode(org.w3c.dom.Node node)
               throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Check node to see if it matches this liaison.


public void reset()
Reset for new run.


public org.xml.sax.EntityResolver getEntityResolver()
Get the EntityResolver for this liaison.


public void setEnvSupport(XPathEnvSupport envSupport)
XPath environment support, which the liaison may aggregate back to in order to implement the XPathEnvSupport interface.


public boolean supportsSAX()
Returns true if the liaison supports the SAX DocumentHandler interface.


public org.w3c.dom.Document getDocument()
Returns the document just parsed.


public org.w3c.dom.Document createDocument()
Create an empty DOM Document. Mainly used for creating an output document.


public java.lang.String getExpandedElementName(org.w3c.dom.Element elem)
Return the expanded element name.


public java.lang.String getExpandedAttributeName(org.w3c.dom.Attr attr)
Returns the attribute name with the namespace expanded.


public void setSpecialCharacters(java.lang.String str)
Set special characters for attributes that will be escaped.


public java.lang.String getSpecialCharacters()
Get special characters for attributes that will be escaped.


public int getIndent()
Get the amount to indent when indent-result="yes".


public void setIndent(int i)
Set the amount to indent when indent-result="yes".


public boolean getShouldExpandEntityRefs()
Get whether or not to expand all entity references in the source and style trees.


public void setShouldExpandEntityRefs(boolean b)
Set whether or not to expand all entity references in the source and style trees.


public boolean getUseValidation()
Get whether or not validation will be performed. Validation is off by default.


public void setUseValidation(boolean b)
If set to true, validation will be performed. Validation is off by default.


public java.lang.String getParserDescription()
Return a string suitible for telling the user what parser is being used.


public XPathFactory getDefaultXPathFactory()
Get a factory to create XPaths.


public getURLFromString(java.lang.String urlString,
                                     java.lang.String base)
                              throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Take a user string and try and parse XML, and also return the url.
Specified by:
getURLFromString in interface XPathSupport

XSLProcessorException - thrown if the active ProblemListener and XMLParserLiaison decide the error condition is severe enough to halt processing.


public void setAcceptLanguage(java.lang.String acceptLanguage)
Set language variant that should be used, passed from servlet HTTP header.


public java.lang.String getAcceptLanguage()
Get language variant that should be used, passed from servlet HTTP header.


public void setProblemListener(ProblemListener listener)
Set the current problem listener.


public ProblemListener getProblemListener()
Get the current problem listener.


public void copyFromOtherLiaison(XMLParserLiaisonDefault from)
                          throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Copy attributes from another liaison.


public void setUseDOM2getNamespaceURI(boolean v)
Set whether or not getNamespaceOfNode should use the Xerces/DOM2 getNamespaceURI. This has to be set to true if the is set to false, or if the tree is mutated. Since it's used with casting it should be part of the liaison abstraction


public void setErrorHandler(org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler errorHandler)
Specified by:
setErrorHandler in interface org.xml.sax.Parser

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