BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.0sp2 API Reference

Uses of Class

Packages that use StylesheetRoot

Uses of StylesheetRoot in weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt

Fields in weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt declared as StylesheetRoot
 StylesheetRoot Stylesheet.m_stylesheetRoot
          The root of the stylesheet, where all the tables common to all stylesheets are kept.

Methods in weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt that return StylesheetRoot
 StylesheetRoot XSLTEngineImpl.createStylesheetRoot(java.lang.String baseIdentifier)
          Bottleneck the creation of the stylesheet for derivation purposes.
 StylesheetRoot XSLTEngineImpl.processStylesheet(XSLTInputSource stylesheetSource)
          Given a URI to an XSL stylesheet, Compile the stylesheet into an internal representation.
 StylesheetRoot XSLTEngineImpl.processStylesheet(java.lang.String xsldocURLString)
          Given a URI to an XSL stylesheet, Compile the stylesheet into an internal representation.
 StylesheetRoot XSLTEngineImpl.getStylesheet()
          Get the current stylesheet for this processor.
 StylesheetRoot Stylesheet.getStylesheetRoot()
          Get the root of the stylesheet, where all the tables common to all stylesheets are kept.
 StylesheetRoot XSLTProcessor.processStylesheet(XSLTInputSource stylesheetSource)
          Compile the XSL stylesheet represented by an XSLTInputSource object into an internal representation, and use it to set the XSLTProcessor Stylesheet property.
 StylesheetRoot XSLTProcessor.processStylesheet(java.lang.String xsldocURLString)
          Given a URL to (or file name of) an XSL stylesheet, Compile the stylesheet into an internal representation, and use it to set the XSLTProcessor Stylesheet property.
 StylesheetRoot XSLTProcessor.getStylesheet()
          Get the current Stylesheet setting for this XSLTProcessor.

Methods in weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt with parameters of type StylesheetRoot
 void XSLTEngineImpl.setStylesheet(StylesheetRoot stylesheetRoot)
          Set the stylesheet for this processor.
 void Stylesheet.setStylesheetRoot(StylesheetRoot v)
          Set the root of the stylesheet, where all the tables common to all stylesheets are kept.
 void XSLTProcessor.setStylesheet(StylesheetRoot stylesheetRoot)
          Use a compiled stylesheet to set the Stylesheet property for this processor.

Constructors in weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt with parameters of type StylesheetRoot
Stylesheet.Stylesheet(StylesheetRoot root, XSLTEngineImpl processor, java.lang.String baseIdentifier)
          Constructor for a Stylesheet needs a Document.

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