BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.0sp2 API Reference

Class XMLValidator


public final class XMLValidator
extends java.lang.Object
implements DefaultEntityHandler.EventHandler, XMLEntityHandler.CharDataHandler, XMLDocumentScanner.EventHandler, NamespacesScope.NamespacesHandler

This class is the super all-in-one validator used by the parser.

This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project. In future releases the XML parser, XSLT processor, and associated classes will likely be updated to be based on a later version of the Apache implementations. Since Apache does not guarantee backwards compatibility between versions of their software, we cannot guarantee backwards compatibility of any of the classes contained in the weblogic.apache package or sub-packages.

$Id:,v 1.77 2000/08/31 00:41:57 jeffreyr Exp $
Copyright © 2001 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Inner Class Summary
static interface XMLValidator.AttributeValidator
Constructor Summary
XMLValidator(StringPool stringPool, XMLErrorReporter errorReporter, DefaultEntityHandler entityHandler, XMLDocumentScanner documentScanner)
          Constructs an XML validator.
Method Summary
 boolean attribute(QName element, QName attrName, int attrValue)
          Signal the scanning of an attribute associated to the previous start element tag.
 void callCharacters(int ch)
          Call characters.
 void callComment(int comment)
          Call comment.
 void callEndCDATA()
          Call end CDATA section.
 void callEndDocument()
          Call end document.
 void callEndElement(int readerId)
          Call end element.
 void callProcessingInstruction(int target, int data)
          Call processing instruction.
 void callStandaloneIsYes()
 void callStartCDATA()
          Call start CDATA section.
 void callStartDocument()
          Call start document.
 void callStartElement(QName element)
          Call start element.
 void callTextDecl(int version, int encoding)
          Call text declaration.
 void callXMLDecl(int version, int encoding, int standalone)
          Call XML declaration.
 int checkLastChild(int elementIndex, int childrenLength)
 void element(QName element)
          Signal the scanning of an element name in a start element tag.
 void endEntityReference(int entityName, int entityType, int entityContext)
          End entity reference.
 void endNamespaceDeclScope(int prefix)
          End a namespace declaration scope.
 boolean externalEntityStandaloneCheck()
          External entity standalone check.
protected  boolean getAttDefIsExternal(QName element, QName attribute)
          Protected for use by AttributeValidator classes.
 int getContentSpecHandle(int elementIndex)
          Returns the content spec handle for an element index.
 int getContentSpecType(int elementIndex)
          Returns the content spec type for an element index.
 boolean getDynamicValidationEnabled()
          Returns true if validation is dynamic.
 boolean getLoadDTDGrammar()
          Returns fLoadDTDGrammar
 boolean getNamespacesEnabled()
          Returns true if namespaces are enabled.
 boolean getSchemaValidationEnabled()
          Returns true if Schema support is on.
 boolean getUpFrontValidationEnabled()
          Returns true if up front validation is on.
 boolean getValidating()
          Return true if validating.
 boolean getValidationEnabled()
          Returns true if validation is enabled.
 boolean getWarningOnDuplicateAttDef()
          Returns true if duplicate attribute definitions signal a warning.
 boolean getWarningOnUndeclaredElements()
          Returns true if undeclared elements signal a warning.
 void initHandlers(boolean sendCharDataAsCharArray, XMLDocumentHandler docHandler, XMLDocumentHandler.DTDHandler dtdHandler)
          Set char data processing preference and handlers.
 void processCharacters(char[] chars, int offset, int length)
          Process characters.
 void processCharacters(int data)
          Process characters.
 void processWhitespace(char[] chars, int offset, int length)
          Process whitespace.
 void processWhitespace(int data)
          Process whitespace.
protected  void reportRecoverableXMLError(int majorCode, int minorCode)
          Report a recoverable xml error.
protected  void reportRecoverableXMLError(int majorCode, int minorCode, int stringIndex1)
          Report a recoverable xml error.
protected  void reportRecoverableXMLError(int majorCode, int minorCode, int stringIndex1, int stringIndex2)
          Report a recoverable xml error.
protected  void reportRecoverableXMLError(int majorCode, int minorCode, java.lang.String string1)
          Report a recoverable xml error.
protected  void reportRecoverableXMLError(int majorCode, int minorCode, java.lang.String string1, java.lang.String string2)
          Report a recoverable xml error.
protected  void reportRecoverableXMLError(int majorCode, int minorCode, java.lang.String string1, java.lang.String string2, java.lang.String string3)
          Report a recoverable xml error.
 void reset(StringPool stringPool)
 void resetOrCopy(StringPool stringPool)
          Reset or copy.
 void scanAttributeName(XMLEntityHandler.EntityReader entityReader, QName element, QName attribute)
          Scans attribute name.
 void scanElementType(XMLEntityHandler.EntityReader entityReader, char fastchar, QName element)
          Scans element type.
 boolean scanExpectedElementType(XMLEntityHandler.EntityReader entityReader, char fastchar, QName element)
          Scans expected element type.
 void sendEndOfInputNotifications(int entityName, boolean moreToFollow)
          Send end of input notification.
 void sendReaderChangeNotifications(XMLEntityHandler.EntityReader reader, int readerId)
          Send reader change notifications.
 void setDynamicValidationEnabled(boolean flag)
          Sets whether validation is dynamic.
 void setGrammarResolver(GrammarResolver grammarResolver)
 void setLoadDTDGrammar(boolean loadDG)
          Sets fLoadDTDGrammar when validation is off
 void setNamespacesEnabled(boolean flag)
          Sets whether namespaces are enabled.
 void setRootElementType(QName rootElement)
          Sets the root element.
 void setSchemaValidationEnabled(boolean flag)
          Sets whether Schema support is on/off.
 void setUpFrontValidationEnabled(boolean flag)
          Sets up front validation (validation must be turned on).
 void setValidationEnabled(boolean flag)
          Turning on validation/dynamic turns on validation if it is off, and this is remembered.
 void setWarningOnDuplicateAttDef(boolean flag)
          Sets whether duplicate attribute definitions signal a warning.
 void setWarningOnUndeclaredElements(boolean flag)
          Sets whether undeclared elements signal a warning.
 void startEntityReference(int entityName, int entityType, int entityContext)
          Start entity reference.
 void startNamespaceDeclScope(int prefix, int uri)
          Start a new namespace declaration scope.
protected  int whatCanGoHere(int elementIndex, boolean fullyValid, InsertableElementsInfo info)
          Returns information about which elements can be placed at a particular point in the passed element's content model.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public XMLValidator(StringPool stringPool,
                    XMLErrorReporter errorReporter,
                    DefaultEntityHandler entityHandler,
                    XMLDocumentScanner documentScanner)
Constructs an XML validator.
Method Detail


public void setGrammarResolver(GrammarResolver grammarResolver)


public void initHandlers(boolean sendCharDataAsCharArray,
                         XMLDocumentHandler docHandler,
                         XMLDocumentHandler.DTDHandler dtdHandler)
Set char data processing preference and handlers.


public void resetOrCopy(StringPool stringPool)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Reset or copy.


public void reset(StringPool stringPool)
           throws java.lang.Exception


public void setValidationEnabled(boolean flag)
                          throws java.lang.Exception
Turning on validation/dynamic turns on validation if it is off, and this is remembered. Turning off validation DISABLES validation/dynamic if it is on. Turning off validation/dynamic DOES NOT turn off validation if it was explicitly turned on, only if it was turned on BECAUSE OF the call to turn validation/dynamic on. Turning on validation will REENABLE and turn validation/dynamic back on if it was disabled by a call that turned off validation while validation/dynamic was enabled.


public boolean getValidationEnabled()
Returns true if validation is enabled.


public void setSchemaValidationEnabled(boolean flag)
Sets whether Schema support is on/off.


public boolean getSchemaValidationEnabled()
Returns true if Schema support is on.


public void setDynamicValidationEnabled(boolean flag)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
Sets whether validation is dynamic.


public boolean getDynamicValidationEnabled()
Returns true if validation is dynamic.


public void setLoadDTDGrammar(boolean loadDG)
Sets fLoadDTDGrammar when validation is off


public boolean getLoadDTDGrammar()
Returns fLoadDTDGrammar


public void setNamespacesEnabled(boolean flag)
Sets whether namespaces are enabled.


public boolean getNamespacesEnabled()
Returns true if namespaces are enabled.


public void setWarningOnDuplicateAttDef(boolean flag)
Sets whether duplicate attribute definitions signal a warning.


public boolean getWarningOnDuplicateAttDef()
Returns true if duplicate attribute definitions signal a warning.


public void setWarningOnUndeclaredElements(boolean flag)
Sets whether undeclared elements signal a warning.


public boolean getWarningOnUndeclaredElements()
Returns true if undeclared elements signal a warning.


public void setUpFrontValidationEnabled(boolean flag)
Sets up front validation (validation must be turned on).


public boolean getUpFrontValidationEnabled()
Returns true if up front validation is on.


public void startEntityReference(int entityName,
                                 int entityType,
                                 int entityContext)
                          throws java.lang.Exception
Start entity reference.
Specified by:
startEntityReference in interface DefaultEntityHandler.EventHandler


public void endEntityReference(int entityName,
                               int entityType,
                               int entityContext)
                        throws java.lang.Exception
End entity reference.
Specified by:
endEntityReference in interface DefaultEntityHandler.EventHandler


public void sendEndOfInputNotifications(int entityName,
                                        boolean moreToFollow)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
Send end of input notification.
Specified by:
sendEndOfInputNotifications in interface DefaultEntityHandler.EventHandler


public void sendReaderChangeNotifications(XMLEntityHandler.EntityReader reader,
                                          int readerId)
                                   throws java.lang.Exception
Send reader change notifications.
Specified by:
sendReaderChangeNotifications in interface DefaultEntityHandler.EventHandler


public boolean externalEntityStandaloneCheck()
External entity standalone check.
Specified by:
externalEntityStandaloneCheck in interface DefaultEntityHandler.EventHandler


public boolean getValidating()
Return true if validating.
Specified by:
getValidating in interface DefaultEntityHandler.EventHandler


public void processCharacters(char[] chars,
                              int offset,
                              int length)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
Process characters.
Specified by:
processCharacters in interface XMLEntityHandler.CharDataHandler


public void processCharacters(int data)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
Process characters.
Specified by:
processCharacters in interface XMLEntityHandler.CharDataHandler


public void processWhitespace(char[] chars,
                              int offset,
                              int length)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
Process whitespace.
Specified by:
processWhitespace in interface XMLEntityHandler.CharDataHandler


public void processWhitespace(int data)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
Process whitespace.
Specified by:
processWhitespace in interface XMLEntityHandler.CharDataHandler


public void scanElementType(XMLEntityHandler.EntityReader entityReader,
                            char fastchar,
                            QName element)
                     throws java.lang.Exception
Scans element type.


public boolean scanExpectedElementType(XMLEntityHandler.EntityReader entityReader,
                                       char fastchar,
                                       QName element)
                                throws java.lang.Exception
Scans expected element type.


public void scanAttributeName(XMLEntityHandler.EntityReader entityReader,
                              QName element,
                              QName attribute)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
Scans attribute name.


public void callStartDocument()
                       throws java.lang.Exception
Call start document.
Specified by:
callStartDocument in interface XMLDocumentScanner.EventHandler


public void callEndDocument()
                     throws java.lang.Exception
Call end document.
Specified by:
callEndDocument in interface XMLDocumentScanner.EventHandler


public void callXMLDecl(int version,
                        int encoding,
                        int standalone)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Call XML declaration.
Specified by:
callXMLDecl in interface XMLDocumentScanner.EventHandler


public void callStandaloneIsYes()
                         throws java.lang.Exception
Specified by:
callStandaloneIsYes in interface XMLDocumentScanner.EventHandler


public void callTextDecl(int version,
                         int encoding)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Call text declaration.
Specified by:
callTextDecl in interface XMLDocumentScanner.EventHandler


public void element(QName element)
             throws java.lang.Exception
Signal the scanning of an element name in a start element tag.
Specified by:
element in interface XMLDocumentScanner.EventHandler

element - Element name scanned.


public boolean attribute(QName element,
                         QName attrName,
                         int attrValue)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Signal the scanning of an attribute associated to the previous start element tag.
Specified by:
attribute in interface XMLDocumentScanner.EventHandler

element - Element name scanned.
attrName - Attribute name scanned.
attrValue - The string pool index of the attribute value.


public void callStartElement(QName element)
                      throws java.lang.Exception
Call start element.
Specified by:
callStartElement in interface XMLDocumentScanner.EventHandler


public void callEndElement(int readerId)
                    throws java.lang.Exception
Call end element.
Specified by:
callEndElement in interface XMLDocumentScanner.EventHandler


public int checkLastChild(int elementIndex,
                          int childrenLength)
                   throws java.lang.Exception


public void callStartCDATA()
                    throws java.lang.Exception
Call start CDATA section.
Specified by:
callStartCDATA in interface XMLDocumentScanner.EventHandler


public void callEndCDATA()
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Call end CDATA section.
Specified by:
callEndCDATA in interface XMLDocumentScanner.EventHandler


public void callCharacters(int ch)
                    throws java.lang.Exception
Call characters.
Specified by:
callCharacters in interface XMLDocumentScanner.EventHandler


public void callProcessingInstruction(int target,
                                      int data)
                               throws java.lang.Exception
Call processing instruction.
Specified by:
callProcessingInstruction in interface XMLDocumentScanner.EventHandler


public void callComment(int comment)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Call comment.
Specified by:
callComment in interface XMLDocumentScanner.EventHandler


public void startNamespaceDeclScope(int prefix,
                                    int uri)
                             throws java.lang.Exception
Start a new namespace declaration scope.
Specified by:
startNamespaceDeclScope in interface NamespacesScope.NamespacesHandler


public void endNamespaceDeclScope(int prefix)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
End a namespace declaration scope.
Specified by:
endNamespaceDeclScope in interface NamespacesScope.NamespacesHandler


public void setRootElementType(QName rootElement)
Sets the root element.


public int getContentSpecType(int elementIndex)
Returns the content spec type for an element index.


public int getContentSpecHandle(int elementIndex)
Returns the content spec handle for an element index.


protected void reportRecoverableXMLError(int majorCode,
                                         int minorCode)
                                  throws java.lang.Exception
Report a recoverable xml error.


protected void reportRecoverableXMLError(int majorCode,
                                         int minorCode,
                                         int stringIndex1)
                                  throws java.lang.Exception
Report a recoverable xml error.


protected void reportRecoverableXMLError(int majorCode,
                                         int minorCode,
                                         java.lang.String string1)
                                  throws java.lang.Exception
Report a recoverable xml error.


protected void reportRecoverableXMLError(int majorCode,
                                         int minorCode,
                                         int stringIndex1,
                                         int stringIndex2)
                                  throws java.lang.Exception
Report a recoverable xml error.


protected void reportRecoverableXMLError(int majorCode,
                                         int minorCode,
                                         java.lang.String string1,
                                         java.lang.String string2)
                                  throws java.lang.Exception
Report a recoverable xml error.


protected void reportRecoverableXMLError(int majorCode,
                                         int minorCode,
                                         java.lang.String string1,
                                         java.lang.String string2,
                                         java.lang.String string3)
                                  throws java.lang.Exception
Report a recoverable xml error.


protected int whatCanGoHere(int elementIndex,
                            boolean fullyValid,
                            InsertableElementsInfo info)
                     throws java.lang.Exception
Returns information about which elements can be placed at a particular point in the passed element's content model.

Note that the incoming content model to test must be valid at least up to the insertion point. If not, then -1 will be returned and the info object will not have been filled in.

If, on return, the info.isValidEOC flag is set, then the 'insert after' elemement is a valid end of content, i.e. nothing needs to be inserted after it to make the parent element's content model valid.

elementIndex - The index within the ElementDeclPool of the element which is being querying.
fullyValid - Only return elements that can be inserted and still maintain the validity of subsequent elements past the insertion point (if any). If the insertion point is at the end, and this is true, then only elements that can be legal final states will be returned.
info - An object that contains the required input data for the method, and which will contain the output information if successful.
The value -1 if fully valid, else the 0 based index of the child that first failed before the insertion point. If the value returned is equal to the number of children, then the specified children are valid but additional content is required to reach a valid ending state.
java.lang.Exception - Thrown on error.
See Also:


protected boolean getAttDefIsExternal(QName element,
                                      QName attribute)
Protected for use by AttributeValidator classes.

Documentation is available at