BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.0sp2 API Reference

Uses of Class

Packages that use ParamSetException
weblogic.common Common classes that provide access to WebLogic Server services, rarely used in J2EE-compliant applications. 
weblogic.event.actions Deprecated; Instead, use JMS events with NO_ACKNOWLEDGE or MULTICAST_NO_ACKNOWLEDGE delivery modes. 
weblogic.event.evaluators Deprecated; Instead, use JMS events with NO_ACKNOWLEDGE or MULTICAST_NO_ACKNOWLEDGE delivery modes. 

Uses of ParamSetException in weblogic.common

Methods in weblogic.common that throw ParamSetException
 boolean ParamValue.isNull(int index)
          Determines whether a ParamValue that is a vector of ParamValues is null at the specified index position.
 ParamValue ParamValue.elementAt(int index)
          Used for accessing ParamValues in a Vector of ParamValues.
 void ParamValue.setElementAt(java.lang.Object value, int index)
          Sets the element at the specified index into Vector of ParamValues to the specified value.
 int ParamValue.size()
          Returns the size of a Vector of ParamValues.
 ParamValue ParamValue.set(ParamValue val, int index)
          Sets the value at the specified index into a Vector of ParamValues to the specified ParamValue.
 ParamValue ParamValue.set(boolean val, int index)
          Sets the value at the specified index into a Vector of ParamValues to the specified boolean.
 ParamValue ParamValue.set(short val, int index)
          Sets the value at the specified index into a Vector of ParamValues to the specified integer.
 ParamValue ParamValue.set(int val, int index)
          Sets the value at the specified index into a Vector of ParamValues to the specified int.
 ParamValue ParamValue.set(long val, int index)
          Sets the value at the specified index into a Vector of ParamValues to the specified long.
 ParamValue ParamValue.set(double val, int index)
          Sets the value at the specified index into a Vector of ParamValues to the specified double.
 ParamValue ParamValue.set(float val, int index)
          Sets the value at the specified index into a Vector of ParamValues to the specified float.
 ParamValue ParamValue.set(char val, int index)
          Sets the value at the specified index into a Vector of ParamValues to the specified char.
 ParamValue ParamValue.set(java.lang.String val, int index)
          Sets the value at the specified index into a Vector of ParamValues to the specified string.
 ParamValue ParamValue.set(java.util.Date val, int index)
          Sets the value at the specified index into a Vector of ParamValues to the specified date.
 ParamValue ParamValue.set(java.lang.Object val, int index)
          Sets the value at the specified index into a Vector of ParamValues to the specified Object.
 ParamValue ParamValue.set(ParamValue val)
          Sets the value of a ParamValue to a ParamValue.
 ParamValue ParamValue.set(boolean val)
          Sets the value of a ParamValue to a boolean.
 ParamValue ParamValue.set(int val)
          Sets the value of a ParamValue to an int.
 ParamValue ParamValue.set(short val)
          Sets the value of a ParamValue to a short.
 ParamValue ParamValue.set(byte val)
          Sets the value of a ParamValue to a byte.
 ParamValue ParamValue.set(long val)
          Sets the value of a ParamValue to a long.
 ParamValue ParamValue.set(double val)
          Sets the value of a ParamValue to a double.
 ParamValue ParamValue.set(float val)
          Sets the value of a ParamValue to a float.
 ParamValue ParamValue.set(char val)
          Sets the value of a ParamValue to a char.
 ParamValue ParamValue.set(java.lang.String val)
          Sets the value of a ParamValue to a String.
 ParamValue ParamValue.set(java.util.Date val)
          Sets the value of a ParamValue to a Date.
 ParamValue ParamValue.set(java.lang.Object val)
          Sets the value of a ParamValue to an Object.
 boolean ParamValue.asBoolean()
          Returns a ParamValue as a boolean.
 byte ParamValue.asByte()
          Returns a ParamValue as a byte.
 int ParamValue.asInt()
          Returns a ParamValue as a int.
 short ParamValue.asShort()
          Returns a ParamValue as a short.
 long ParamValue.asLong()
          Returns a ParamValue as a long.
 double ParamValue.asDouble()
          Returns a ParamValue as a double.
 float ParamValue.asFloat()
          Returns a ParamValue as a float.
 char ParamValue.asChar()
          Returns a ParamValue as a char.
 java.lang.String ParamValue.asString()
          Returns a ParamValue as a String.
 java.util.Date ParamValue.asDate()
          Returns a ParamValue as a Date.
 java.lang.Object ParamValue.asObject()
          Returns a ParamValue as an Object.
 ParamValue ParamSet.declareParam(java.lang.String name, int datatype, java.lang.String desc)
          Declares the specified name, data type, and description as a IN/OUT parameter and returns it as a ParamValue.
 ParamValue ParamSet.declareParam(java.lang.String name, int datatype)
          Declares the specified name and data type as a IN/OUT parameter and returns it as a ParamValue.
 ParamValue ParamSet.getParam(java.lang.String key)
          Gets the ParamValue in a ParamSet that matches the specified keyname.
 ParamValue ParamSet.getParam(java.lang.String key, int index)
          Gets the ParamValue that matches the specified keyname and at the specified index position into a vector of ParamValues.
 void ParamSet.setParams(ParamSet that)
          Sets the values of a ParamSet according to the values in another specified ParamSet.
 void ParamSet.setParam(java.lang.String keyNames, java.lang.String keyValues, ParamSet that)
          Sets the names and values of a ParamSet according to the names and values of another specified ParamSet.
 ParamValue ParamSet.setParam(java.lang.String key, ParamValue v)
          Sets a ParamValue at the specified keyname to the specified ParamValue.
 ParamValue ParamSet.setParam(java.lang.String key, double v)
          Sets a ParamValue at the specified keyname to the specified double data type.
 ParamValue ParamSet.setParam(java.lang.String key, float v)
          Sets a ParamValue at the specified keyname to the specified float data type.
 ParamValue ParamSet.setParam(java.lang.String key, long v)
          Sets a ParamValue at the specified keyname to the specified long data type.
 ParamValue ParamSet.setParam(java.lang.String key, int v)
          Sets a ParamValue at the specified keyname to the specified integer data type.
 ParamValue ParamSet.setParam(java.lang.String key, short v)
          Sets a ParamValue at the specified keyname to the specified short data type.
 ParamValue ParamSet.setParam(java.lang.String key, byte v)
          Sets a ParamValue at the specified keyname to the specified byte data type.
 ParamValue ParamSet.setParam(java.lang.String key, boolean v)
          Sets a ParamValue at the specified keyname to the specified Boolean data type.
 ParamValue ParamSet.setParam(java.lang.String key, char v)
          Sets a ParamValue at the specified keyname to the specified char data type.
 ParamValue ParamSet.setParam(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String v)
          Sets a ParamValue at the specified keyname to the specified string data type.
 ParamValue ParamSet.setParam(java.lang.String key, java.util.Date v)
          Sets a ParamValue at the specified keyname to the specified date data type.
 ParamValue ParamSet.setParam(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object v)
          Sets a ParamValue at the specified keyname to the specified object, which should implement
 ParamValue ParamSet.setParam(java.lang.String key, int i, ParamValue v)
          Sets the ParamValue, at the specified index into a vector of ParamValues that correspond to the specified keyname, to the specified ParamValue.
 ParamValue ParamSet.setParam(java.lang.String key, int i, double v)
          Sets the ParamValue, at the specified index into a vector of ParamValues that correspond to the specified keyname, to the specified double data type.
 ParamValue ParamSet.setParam(java.lang.String key, int i, float v)
          Sets the ParamValue, at the specified index into a vector of ParamValues that correspond to the specified keyname, to the specified float data type.
 ParamValue ParamSet.setParam(java.lang.String key, int i, long v)
          Sets the ParamValue, at the specified index into a vector of ParamValues that correspond to the specified keyname, to the specified long data type.
 ParamValue ParamSet.setParam(java.lang.String key, int i, int v)
          Sets the ParamValue, at the specified index into a vector of ParamValues that correspond to the specified keyname, to the specified integer data type.
 ParamValue ParamSet.setParam(java.lang.String key, int i, short v)
          Sets the ParamValue, at the specified index into a vector of ParamValues that correspond to the specified keyname, to the specified short data type.
 ParamValue ParamSet.setParam(java.lang.String key, byte i, int v)
          Sets the ParamValue, at the specified byte in a vector of ParamValues that correspond to the specified keyname, to the specified integer data type.
 ParamValue ParamSet.setParam(java.lang.String key, int i, boolean v)
          Sets the ParamValue, at the specified index into a vector of ParamValues that correspond to the specified keyname, to the specified Boolean data type.
 ParamValue ParamSet.setParam(java.lang.String key, int i, char v)
          Sets the ParamValue, at the specified index into a vector of ParamValues that correspond to the specified keyname, to the specified char data type.
 ParamValue ParamSet.setParam(java.lang.String key, int i, java.lang.String v)
          Sets the ParamValue, at the specified index into a vector of ParamValues that correspond to the specified keyname, to the specified string data type.
 ParamValue ParamSet.setParam(java.lang.String key, int i, java.util.Date v)
          Sets the ParamValue, at the specified index into a vector of ParamValues that correspond to the specified keyname, to the specified date data type.
 ParamValue ParamSet.setParam(java.lang.String key, int i, java.lang.Object v)
          Sets the ParamValue, at the specified index into a vector of ParamValues that correspond to the specified keyname, to the specified Object data type.
 java.lang.String[] ParamSet.getNames()
          Gets the names of the ParamValues in a ParamSet.
 void MonitorDef.monitorInit(ParamSet params, boolean isMaster)
          Initializes a Monitor with the specified set of parameters.

Uses of ParamSetException in weblogic.event.actions

Methods in weblogic.event.actions that throw ParamSetException
 void ActionDef.registerInit(ParamSet params)
          Initializes an action with the specified set of parameters.

Uses of ParamSetException in weblogic.event.evaluators

Methods in weblogic.event.evaluators that throw ParamSetException
 void EvaluateTrue.registerInit(ParamSet params)
          Registers a set of parameters for an Evaluate object.
 boolean EvaluateTrue.evaluate(EventMessageDef ev)
          Evaluates to true.
 void EvaluateTime.registerInit(ParamSet params)
          Gets the params set by a registration of interest.
 boolean EvaluateTime.evaluate(EventMessageDef ev)
          Evaluates whether a specified interval of time has elapsed.
 void EvaluateDef.registerInit(ParamSet params)
          Initializes an evaluator with the specified set of parameters.
 boolean EvaluateDef.evaluate(EventMessageDef ev)
          Evaluates the specified EventMessage.

Uses of ParamSetException in weblogic.time.common

Methods in weblogic.time.common that throw ParamSetException
 void ScheduleDef.scheduleInit(ParamSet params)
          Passes a set of initialization parameters to the ScheduleDef object.
 void TriggerDef.triggerInit(ParamSet params)
          Passes a set of initialization parameters to the TriggerDef object.

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