BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.0sp2 API Reference

Interface EventRegistrationDef

public interface EventRegistrationDef

Interface for EventRegistrations. Use the methods in this class to register and unregister interest in an event, and to get the ID of an EventRegistration, after manufacturing it by calling getEventRegistration() in weblogic.event.common.EventServicesDef, which defines an event services factory.

Here's an example of how this interface is used in the process of registering interest in an event:

   // Create a T3Client
   T3Client t3 = new T3Client("t3://host:port");

   // Manufacture an EventRegistration object for the client
   EventRegistrationDef er =
                     new Evaluate("tutorial.event.stocks.EvaluateStocks", evRegParams),
                     new Action ("tutorial.event.stocks.MailStockInfo",   acRegParams));

   // Do the registration with methods from the object's class
   int regid = er.register();

Copyright (c) 1996-1998, WebLogic, Inc. All Rights Reserved., Copyright (c) 1998-2000 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © 2001 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See Also:
T3ServicesDef, EventServicesDef

Field Summary
static int ON_DISCONNECT
          Constant for use with the "count" flag in an EventRegistration.
static int UNCOUNTED
          Constant for use with the "count" flag in an EventRegistration.
Method Summary
 int getID()
          Gets the registration ID associated with an EventRegistration.
 int register()
          Registers interest in an an event with the event server.
 boolean unregister()
          Unregisters an EventRegistration.

Field Detail


public static final int UNCOUNTED
Constant for use with the "count" flag in an EventRegistration. Setting the count flag to UNCOUNTED means that registration will continue to receive opportunities to evaluate events until the registration is unregistered. Setting the count flag to an integer will automatically unregister the registration after it has received that number of events to evaluate.


public static final int ON_DISCONNECT
Constant for use with the "count" flag in an EventRegistration. Setting the count flag to ONDISCONNECT means that registration will continue to receive events events until the client that added this registration disconnects.
Method Detail


public int register()
             throws EventRegistrationException
Registers interest in an an event with the event server. The return value is the ID of this registration, which can be used to unregister interest in an event when the reference to the EventRegistration is no longer available.

Registration ID
EventRegistrationException - if the registration cannot be completed


public boolean unregister()
                   throws EventRegistrationException
Unregisters an EventRegistration.

True if unregistration succeeds
EventRegistrationException - if the unregistration cannot be completed


public int getID()
Gets the registration ID associated with an EventRegistration. The ID of a registration can be used to unregister interest in an event when the reference to the EventRegistration is no longer available.

EventRegistration ID

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