BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.0sp2 API Reference

Uses of Class

Packages that use ObjectElement
weblogic.html The HtmlKona package is deprecated. 

Uses of ObjectElement in weblogic.html

Methods in weblogic.html that return ObjectElement
 ObjectElement ObjectElement.setContent(java.lang.String alt)
          Deprecated. Sets the contents of an ObjectElement to a string.
 ObjectElement ObjectElement.setContent(ObjectElement oe)
          Deprecated. Sets the contents of an ObjectElement to another ObjectElement.
 ObjectElement ObjectElement.addParam(ParamElement pe)
          Deprecated. Adds a ParamElement to an ObjectElement.
 ObjectElement ObjectElement.setCodebase(java.lang.String url)
          Deprecated. Sets the CODEBASE, which specifies the base path used to resolve relative URLs described by the CLASSID attribute.
 ObjectElement ObjectElement.setClassid(java.lang.String url)
          Deprecated. Sets the CLASSID, or the URL for the rendering mechanism.
 ObjectElement ObjectElement.setCodetype(MimeType mt)
          Deprecated. Sets the CODETYPE to a MimeType, which specifies the Internet Media Type of the data that should be expected by the rendering mechanism specified by the CLASSID attribute.
 ObjectElement ObjectElement.setData(java.lang.String url)
          Deprecated. Sets the DATA attribute, which specifies the source of the object itself.
 ObjectElement ObjectElement.setTabindex(int tabindex)
          Deprecated. Sets the tabbing order for an ObjectElement, which defines the order in which page elements get the focus when a user navigates the page with a keyboard.
 ObjectElement ObjectElement.setType(MimeType mt)
          Deprecated. Sets the TYPE attribute, which specifies the Internet Media Type as a MimeType for the object specified in the DATA attribute.
 ObjectElement ObjectElement.setDeclare(boolean dec)
          Deprecated. Sets the DECLARE attribute.
 ObjectElement ObjectElement.setStandby(java.lang.String msg)
          Deprecated. Sets a text messages that a browser may render while loading the object's implementation and data.
 ObjectElement ObjectElement.setName(java.lang.String oname)
          Deprecated. Sets a name for an ObjectElement used as part of a FormElement.

Methods in weblogic.html with parameters of type ObjectElement
 ObjectElement ObjectElement.setContent(ObjectElement oe)
          Deprecated. Sets the contents of an ObjectElement to another ObjectElement.

Documentation is available at