BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.0sp2 API Reference

Uses of Interface

Packages that use T3File Client API for WebLogic File, which provides high-speed client-side access to native operating system files on the server. 

Uses of T3File in

Methods in that return T3File
 T3File IOServicesDef.getFile(java.lang.String path)
          This method takes a file system name and a file name combined in a single String, gets the file system, gets the file from the file system, and returns the file.
 T3File T3FileSystem.getFile(java.lang.String path)
          This method provides the primary service of the T3FileSystem object - it produces T3File objects given their names.
 T3File T3FileSystem.getFile(java.lang.String path, java.lang.String name)
          Returns a T3File with name path + separator() + name.
 T3File T3File.extend(java.lang.String suffix)
          Returns a new T3File defined by this file's path extended by a suffix.

Methods in with parameters of type T3File
 T3FileInputStream IOServicesDef.getFileInputStream(T3File file)
          Convenience method that invokes the getFileInputStream() method of a T3File.
 T3FileInputStream IOServicesDef.getFileInputStream(T3File file, int bufferSize, int readAhead)
          Convenience method that invokes the getFileInputStream(bufferSize, readAhead) method of a T3File.
 T3FileOutputStream IOServicesDef.getFileOutputStream(T3File file)
          Convenience method that invokes the getFileOutputStream() method of a T3File.
 T3FileOutputStream IOServicesDef.getFileOutputStream(T3File file, int bufferSize, int writeBehind)
          Convenience method that invokes the getFileOutputStream(bufferSize, writeBehind) method of a T3File.
 boolean T3File.renameTo(T3File dest)
          Renames the file specified by this T3File object to have the pathname given by the T3File argument.

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