BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.0sp2 API Reference

Uses of Interface

Packages that use DeploymentMBean
weblogic.jms Factory used in implementing the optional JMS Server Session Pool feature.   

Uses of DeploymentMBean in weblogic.jms

Methods in weblogic.jms with parameters of type DeploymentMBean
 void JMSService.addDeployment(DeploymentMBean deployment)
 void JMSService.removeDeployment(DeploymentMBean deployment)

Uses of DeploymentMBean in

Subinterfaces of DeploymentMBean in
 interface ComponentMBean
          A component is a specific type deployment that is parto of a J2EE application (@see ApplicationMBean).
 interface EJBComponentMBean
 interface JDBCConnectionPoolMBean
          This bean defines a JDBC connection pool.
 interface JDBCDataSourceMBean
 interface JDBCMultiPoolMBean
           This configuration management bean is use to defines a JDBC meta pool.
 interface JDBCTxDataSourceMBean
 interface JMSConnectionFactoryMBean
          This bean represents a JMS connection factory.
 interface JMSServerMBean
          This Mbean defines a JMS Server.
 interface RMCFactoryMBean
          An RMCFactoryMBean represents a J2EE resource manager connection factory in a J2EE app.
 interface ShutdownClassMBean
 interface StartupClassMBean
 interface VirtualHostMBean
          This bean represents the configuration of virtual web server within a weblogic server.
 interface WebAppComponentMBean
 interface WebDeploymentMBean
          A Web Deployment is any MBean that may be deployed on one or more target or WebServers.
 interface WebServerMBean
          This bean represents the configuration of virtual web server within a weblogic server.
 interface WLECConnectionPoolMBean
          This bean defines a WLEC connection pool.

Methods in that return DeploymentMBean
 DeploymentMBean[] TargetMBean_CachingStub.getDeployments()
          Getter for Deployments
 DeploymentMBean[] ServerMBean_CachingStub.getDeployments()
          Getter for Deployments
 DeploymentMBean[] DomainMBean_CachingStub.getDeployments()
          Getter for Deployments
 DeploymentMBean[] ClusterMBean_CachingStub.getDeployments()
          Getter for Deployments

Methods in with parameters of type DeploymentMBean
 void TargetMBean_CachingStub.setDeployments(DeploymentMBean[] value)
          Setter for Deployments
 boolean TargetMBean_CachingStub.removeDeployment(DeploymentMBean arg0)
          Operation removeDeployment
 boolean TargetMBean_CachingStub.addDeployment(DeploymentMBean arg0)
          Operation addDeployment
 void TargetMBean.setDeployments(DeploymentMBean[] deployments)
          For OAM use only.
 void ServerMBean_CachingStub.setDeployments(DeploymentMBean[] value)
          Setter for Deployments
 boolean ServerMBean_CachingStub.removeDeployment(DeploymentMBean arg0)
          Operation removeDeployment
 boolean ServerMBean_CachingStub.addDeployment(DeploymentMBean arg0)
          Operation addDeployment
 void DomainMBean_CachingStub.setDeployments(DeploymentMBean[] value)
          Setter for Deployments
 boolean DomainMBean_CachingStub.removeDeployment(DeploymentMBean arg0)
          Operation removeDeployment
 boolean DomainMBean_CachingStub.addDeployment(DeploymentMBean arg0)
          Operation addDeployment
 void ClusterMBean_CachingStub.setDeployments(DeploymentMBean[] value)
          Setter for Deployments
 boolean ClusterMBean_CachingStub.removeDeployment(DeploymentMBean arg0)
          Operation removeDeployment
 boolean ClusterMBean_CachingStub.addDeployment(DeploymentMBean arg0)
          Operation addDeployment

Constructors in with parameters of type DeploymentMBean
DeploymentMBean_CachingStub.DeploymentMBean_CachingStub(DeploymentMBean delegate, RemoteMBeanServer server)

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