BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.0sp2 API Reference

Uses of Interface

Packages that use BasicRealm   

Uses of BasicRealm in

Subinterfaces of BasicRealm in
 interface DynamicUserAcl
          Supports the dynamic creation of ACLs for owned resources.
 interface ListableRealm
          A ListableRealm extends BasicRealm and adds the ability to list its instances.
 interface ManageableRealm
          ManageableRealm is the full-featured interface for realms.

Classes in that implement BasicRealm
 class AbstractListableRealm
          The Abstract Listable realm class is used to write custom security realms.
 class AbstractManageableRealm
 class CachingRealm
          Caching realm.

Methods in that return BasicRealm
 BasicRealm User.getRealm()
          Gets the realm associated with a User.
 BasicRealm CachingRealm.masqueradeAs(java.lang.String realmName)
          Ensure that the given name in the set of realms points to this realm.
static BasicRealm Security.getRealm()
          Returns the WebLogic realm.
static BasicRealm Realm.getRealm(java.lang.String name)
          Gets a realm of that name, possibly creating a default one with no credentials as a side effect.
static BasicRealm Realm.getRealm(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object credential)
          Gets a realm of that name, possibly creating a default one with the passed credential as a side effect.
static BasicRealm Realm.getRealm(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object credential, java.lang.String className)
          Gets a realm of the specified name.
static BasicRealm Realm.getRealm(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object credential, java.lang.String className, java.util.Properties props)
          Gets a realm of the specified name, credential, and implementation class name if it exists, and creates one if it does not, using the specified implementation class name and credential.
 BasicRealm DefaultUserImpl.getRealm()
          Gets the BasicRealm associated with a DefaultUser.

Methods in with parameters of type BasicRealm
static void Security.init(BasicRealm aRealm)
          Initializes the specified BasicRealm.

Constructors in with parameters of type BasicRealm
DefaultUserImpl.DefaultUserImpl(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object credential, BasicRealm realm)

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