BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.0sp2 API Reference

Package weblogic.transaction

Interface Summary
Transaction This interface provides extensions to the javax.transaction.Transaction object for application or system use.
TransactionManager Allows XA resources to register and unregister themselves with the Transaction Manager on startup.
XAResource This interface allows an XA resource provider to override the WebLogic Server default delist flag.

Class Summary
TxHelper This class is a convenience wrapper for gaining access to the current Transaction, UserTransaction, and TransactionManager on both client and server processes.

Exception Summary
RollbackException This class extends javax.transaction.RollbackException and preserves the original reason for a rollback by reporting the application-supplied rollback reason.
TransactionSystemException This class extends java.rmi.RemoteException, and is thrown by transaction interceptors to communicate a transaction SystemException to clients.

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