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   Programming WebLogic JSP:   Previous topic   |   Next topic   |   Contents   |  Index


Administering WebLogic JSP


This section provides a brief overview of administration and configuration tasks for WebLogic JavaServer Pages (JSP). It includes the following topics:


In keeping with the Java 2 Enterprise Edition standard, JSPs are deployed as part of a Web Application. A Web Application is a grouping of application components, such as HTTP servlets, JavaServer Pages (JSP), static HTML pages, images, and other resources.

Web Applications are then deployed on one or more Web Servers running in WebLogic Server. A Web Server can use virtual hosting to respond to requests for different DNS names that are mapped to each Web Server. Each Web Server can host multiple Web Applications.

In a Web Application, the components are organized using a standard directory structure. You can deploy your application using this directory structure or you can archive the files into a single file called a Web Application Archive (.war) and deploy the .war file. You define information about the resources and operating parameters of a Web Application using two deployment descriptors, which are included in the files of the Web Application.

The first deployment descriptor, web.xml, is defined in the Servlet 2.2 specification from Sun Microsystems. It provides a standardized format that describes the Web Application. The second deployment descriptor, weblogic.xml, is a WebLogic-specific deployment descriptor that maps resources defined in the web.xml file to resources available in WebLogic Server, defines JSP parameters, and defines HTTP session parameters. For more information, see "Writing Web Application Deployment Descriptors".

JSPs do not require specific mappings as do HTTP servlets. To deploy JSPs in a Web Application, simply place them in the root directory (or in a sub-directory of the root) of the Web Application. No additional registrations are required.

Setting JSP Operating Parameters

Parameters that govern the behavior of JSPs are defined in weblogic.xml, the WebLogic-specific deployment descriptor of your Web Application. For more information about editing this file, see "Writing Web Application Deployment Descriptors".

A complete description of JSP properties in the WebLogic-specific deployment descriptor, including their default values is provided in the jsp-descriptor section, available at ../programming/weblogic_xml.html#jsp-descriptor.

Parameters set in weblogic.xml include:


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