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   Programming WebLogic JTA:   Previous topic   |   Next topic   |   Contents   




This section describes migration issues specific to WebLogic JTA.

This section includes the following topics:

Migrating from WebLogic Server 4.5

WebLogic Server 4.5 supports the 1.0 version of the JTA service, while the current release supports the JTA 1.0.1 version. The following changes were made to the Java Transaction API (JTA) Specification version 1.0.1, published by Sun Microsystems, Inc.:

Other changes (such as changes to the XA interfaces) are not relevant since WebLogic Server 4.5 did not implement XA support.

Migrating from WebLogic Server 5.1

The weblogic.transaction.utils.TxUtils class was renamed to weblogic.transactions.common.TxHelper. This interface was not publicly documented, so should not affect application code.


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